Practice Makes Perfect – The Palestinian Tragedy – An Event Coming to your Home Soon

As we witness the horrendous, callous and murderous events in Gaza today, the Nakba for all Semites, Palestinian and Arabs, no-one can help but be reminded these people are our brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, sons and daughters.nakba2

That so many do not correlate this fact, comprehend the abuse, the killing, torture, genocide meted out on these members of our global family, is down to the brainwashing, propagandised ownership of a mainstream media controlled by the perpetrators and criminals posing as legitimate government, legal status as a state.

The truth is these bestial actors are callous anti Semitic, anti Goyim, anti decent people  standing up for truth, integrity, compassion and humanity. Making these vermin (my apologies for vermin worldwide) control the governance, thought processes, actions of the so called ‘democratic governments’ in the Western world allows the murderer to rewrite criminal law to his advantage.

e7a09-balfourdeclarationscroll-11Historically the appeasement and roll over taking place when Balfour promised Palestine to the Khazarian Mafia was merely a cog in a wheel driven by a powerhouse of evil so far removed from anything anyone of truly Jewish origins would contemplate as their own.

“It is indispensable for us to undermine all faith, to tear out of the mind of the “goyim” the very principle of god-head and the spirit, and to put in its place arithmetical calculations and material needs”
Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

Today we witness the brutal regime of The Terror State of Israel finally test to the final straw what it can get away with and exercise towards its Final Solution, well learned from its Master Mentors – the extermination of the world’s population outside of those needed to serve the Khazarian Anglo Zionists Final Empire of Exceptionalism.

As their proxy puppets seal an embassy in the Palestinian capital of Jerusalem, the bait and switch of those preparing such genocide as the world has never yet witnessed, is pushed to its limits. The silence and smoothing over of 8 month old babies dying for this cause, for young children targeted and fired upon and killed by snipers the SS would be proud of is repugnant, revolting and an evil beyond the pail.

How many believe this is merely a Middle Eastern little local trouble?nakba-day

Who sees this as ‘not our problem’?

Because those so blind as to what is being perpetrated and prepared will never get the opt out card when their doors are broken down, their towns are bombed to smithereens and their loved ones, family and friends are extinguished like they witness today in Palestine. What is witnessed today is the State of Israel Regime practicing their methodology, weapons and bestial attrition to be wheeled out worldwide shortly.

The present map of Palestine was drawn by the British mandate. The Jewish people have another map which our youth and adults should strive to fulfill: from the Nile to the Euphrates.
David Ben-Gurion

Greater Israel may be a short term goal but global dominance started way before Nakba. The Zionists have been at the game of global control since its inception in the 1800s.

It is getting dangerously close to “too late”. There can still be change, however it demands people the world over recognise they are in the cross hairs of the criminals perpetrating their bestial best in Gaza, in Palestine, as they have been since 1948.nakba1

Seek out all the Friends of Israel, remind them what quisling traitors they are to humanity. Remind them who really are the anti Semites in all these plays. Then withdraw all and every support individually and collectively from them and their cowardly ignorant/conscious support they give to evil bastards.

For those in the USA, reflect on the trash you have as government, the lack of true liberty you own, the craven carving up and vomiting out of the Constitution you still believe holds true. Then ask yourself if it is still worth giving your compliance to this treacherous condition, the US/Gov/AIPAC funded project to rub you all in the dust of history while breaking all financial backs in the process.

Look at your Israeli trained police. At the military trained under the mind controlling Anglo Zionists, the joke filled political classes funded, contrived and spewed out as “Democracy and Freedom in Exceptional form”. Then question whether you are backing/feeding the right horse. mossad-organsOne thing is for sure, you’re on as loser if you do and your support will guarantee nothing save extinction once your life blood has been fully drained and your organs used to prolong the life of these vampires and cuckoos.

As we look around at most of the Western political parties, we see a totally saturated regime of Khazarian/Zionist puppets jumping to the every tune and order of a system of criminality so much the antithesis of the message portrayed as to be laughable. The media, that great instrument of mind controlling technological diversion and division, the entertainment industry force fed and under absolute supervision to messages portrayed, the creation of so many divisions, sub divisions and in fighting argument constructions as to make any sane mind dizzy, are all the tools tried and tested by the psychopathic protagonists fine tuning their acts in Palestine and the Middle East and across the Western world.

How long are you going to buy into this travesty and trampling on your humanity?

One question requiring an immediate answer today – the Day of Nakba!


, author and photographer, has written since aged 9 and photographed professionally since aged 16. Defying his early detractors he began a professional career as photojournalist, working for top titles in Fleet Street, London. Among them the London Times, Daily Express and a very short and boring stint with the Sun newspaper. Exposed to the amount of propaganda and half truths demanded from photo/journalists in the ‘70s and 80s, he decided his soul to be worth more than shekels earned from the news rooms of corporate cronyism. He became one of the industry’s foremost photographers, enjoyed getting to know the world, its peoples and a far wider vision of life on earth on others’ behalf and at others’ expense. He has appeared on TV and radio including the BBC, France Inter and online radio. He has spoken at creative and literary conferences across the globe. From early 2012, in partnership with his wife, he accomplished several translations of foreign writers. The most enduring, endearing and ground breaking has been the first ever translation, in nearly 1000 years, of 10th century Sufi founder and mystic saint Hoja Ahmed Yassawi’s Diwani Hikmet (Divine Wisdom) poetry and sacred verse. His magnum opus The Freedom Cycle is an ambitious seven book project, Dreams and Realities being the first. Currently working to complete publication over the coming few years, Jonathan presently lives in Somerset, UK.


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