Decline and Fall of the American Empire and the Coming of Age?

In the soon to be published Angel of Redemption, next volume in The Freedom Cycle, the inevitable alienation of a degenerate, fast fading empire is faced with a grim reality – extinction or the move to something akin to adulthood, sanity and true participation into a determined exploration into real humanity and positive evolution.

These stark realities and basic truths are presently witnessed by a dumbstruck world as being a far off, almost intangible possibility. As the serpentine, psychopathic hydra that is the Deep State and global cabal manipulates and manages America’s destruction, many  having rarely done any homework cannot and consistently refuse to acknowledge the direction and road presently traveled or herded along. If Darwin could voice an opinion he would, I am sure, agree this to be an exemplary example of  survival demanded, not so much by the fittest but of the intelligently informed. As few as these critical thinkers  presently represent, in spite of  global connectivity and suitable educative materials available, it is through absolute necessity this more individually intelligent and critically aware group must muster the exponential growth needed to affect everyone’s future for the better. us-marine-corp-saddam-hussein-fallsScenes of Saddam Hussein’s statue toppling, during the deception that was the Iraq War of 2003 raises its egregious head again in 2017 as Americans in Durham, North Carolina pull down a statue to the Confederate cause. Although most likely utterly ignorant of the causes, outcomes and why with all of that First American Civil War, these actions merely serve to show how one event, the Charlottesville engagement,  inevitably inflames and becomes a useful trigger to set off similar reactions around the country, like falling dominoes.

The Civil War and many of the supposed reasons for its occurrence have, like so much in US history, never properly been resolved, understood let alone learned from. Today many feel herd group activation by way of violent means is acceptable. Those that drive this imperative utilize this thought form to their own advantage. Irrational ill directed anger and vengeance is the mark of an authoritarian driven following. Its outcomes inevitably lead to greater and greater division, disorder and beg for the need to control through brutish force and repression. For those tweaking these outcomes – job done!

The decline of an empire always runs parallel with mob violence, mostly incomprehensibly stoked by those whose purpose is to ferment such chaos. Today unlike any time in our human history the achievement to distribute global chaos has never been easier nor more purposeful. Whether this will lead to an inevitable annihilation of the species or just a major readjustment will depend largely on those seeing through the curtain of deception. Tragically the time frame is almost meaningless for these things to transpire with positive outcomes.

The idea of America, or as it likes to refer to itself as the United States of America, coming to its senses is indeed a long shot at best. 3- Visions- George- WashingtonWay back as General George Washington sat in his command tent during the War of Independence, he was presented a vision and visitation by three ephemeral beings. Each of them laid out a future outcome. The first showed him the outcome of his present struggle. The second presented him with the future events we now recognize as the American Civil War. Insight into its resolution was presented. The third offered a future time when the decline and fall of an American empire presented itself confronted by the rest of the world standing up and declaring itself sick and intolerant of any more hegemony, psychopathic belligerence and infantile, despotic desires conquering the world.

Today it looks like we are presently living out this third vision presented over two centuries ago. Its outcome is in all of our hands.

That is why the Angel of Redemption then as now watches on to see where and how we might negotiate our own redemption. It was always going to be a close call and it is pretty obvious to most of us we have not gifted ourselves with much of a buffer.

For the sake of all our lives and earthly experience, I wish personally it turns out that the Angel, whose sword of truth can as easily swing in either direction, sweeps down and and helps us all cut away arrogance, denial, intolerance and angry stupidity so that we hasten growth and impetus towards evolution into what we laughingly so far have believed to have already created – a civilized society.

Hope springs eternal!

Read more of my research and the story of uncovering the mechanisms of global control in Dreams and Realities

Capt AH Trapman
: aka Toto, has been a journalist for The London Telegraph, author of several well received books include The Dog, Man’s Best Friend, The Greeks Triumphant and Straight Tips for Subs and co-founder/creator for the British Army, the Bicycle Battalions. As a researcher and investigative reporter he was responsible for uncovering hidden pathways to the Global Deep State following the global financial crash of 1929.