Outrage Has Left the Building – Will All Silent Compliants Left Say Yay!

We are battered on a daily, sometimes hourly basis with even greater, abhorrent distortions of our world. The number of horrific acts of human bestiality are programmed into our minds, solidified by repetition and forced on us to accept the truths that are and always have been lies.

In the Sixties marches would be mobilised, riots instigated and wars stopped because a feisty generation of open eyed, sometimes drugged fuelled, would see the reality so eagerly buried into propaganda of the cruellest sort. Spunk was then visible and active in the Revolution Generation. Other than right wing, totalitarian psychopaths would stand firm against the rubbish thrown at us. Sometimes deaths would occur fuelling even greater protest, sometimes peaceful protest would enlarge as a Summer spectacle of resistance.

All in all there was much action and protest. This was swiftly addressed through the introduction of the Peace Love and Transcendental Movement infiltrated and manipulated then silenced through drugs, summers of love, music manipulation deadening the impulse to revolt. The introduction of AIDS, diseases and cutting drugs with all sorts of deadly rubbish, the heroin trade, organised by the CIA, other obscure agencies and with Government approval began its money cultivating drug trade at full pelt.

These were the days before the Internet, before any real roll out of electro magnetic frequencies able to be fine tuned to dull minds, quieten protest and immobilise resistance. What was happening was a concerted effort through Psyops, regime manipulation, reorganisation of the communist world towards a far greater controlled element and outcome, all the while a shrinking mainstream media primed to pump out NLP saturated rubbish dressed as soap operas, Hollywood indoctrinated propaganda and the cry for individual freedom and voice, while maintaining total control.

As this false god was proclaimed, the two faced Janus of Said and Done progressed. The powers that  be continued their pillage and rape of what was becoming a shrinking world of diversity. The corporate machine began its inexorable global dominance, under the guise of riches and wealth for all. The Few worked harder and harder to prise distance between themselves and the Many. The Military Industrial Corporate Complex became, hydra like, so entwined into itself it spread its puss throughout all regional and global corridors.

Disdain, pernicious disregard for the people, the ordinary folk ramped up while dressed in a new technology that beautifully kept people distracted, seemingly kept them in touch with like minds yet rarely in reality. The virtual world would become the new battleground for warfare. Warfare of  and on the mind.

Over sixty odd years the landscape of control has made seismic changes. The offshoots of easier lives merely tinsel scattered on such an array of confusing contradictions as to send most people running for the shelter of their comfort zones and inaction on anything other than survival.

Compliance today has been almost totally successful. The introduction of the Internet, social media et al merely rubs even greater confusion and distraction on a gaping wound incapable of healing itself. This wound now openly  accepts and encourages infection through propagandised messages, the like news media would have killed for 70 years ago.

So where are the legions and generations of revolution, alternative views, challenging talking heads?

They are targeted as dissidents, national traitors, in bed with an enemy whose actions are displaying the bullshit, lies and deception of a system in moral, ethical and utter decline. They become the terror cell, the stigmatised loathing of all that is good. The reverse is the truth but heaven help any who point this out.

Outrage for its better part is left to others to voice. Fear of dissent and its ramifications have destroyed humanity to the extent of quisling and compliant silence. Parapets are rarely shown to reveal heads rising from them. When they do they are shot at, in one coordinated voice, from a mainstream whose sole purpose is to rubbish the dissent, alternate view and destroy it. Such channels that do appear become a lighthouse in a sea of polluted lies and propaganda yet they are branded foreign agents – the enemy.

The people of the Western world have forgotten the most powerful force in existence. One power so mighty as to be able to cause more destructive force than any nuclear element. This force is themselves, their voice, their collective endeavour, their No, not in our name!

Yet due to the insidious, perpetual degrading of the imperative to know thyself as espoused to all those visiting the Oracle at Delphi, true ancient wisdom, we are left with a major part of our population who would die rather than think for themselves.

2% of the population think

3% of the population think they think

95% of the population would rather die than think

Larry Wilson

Our cognitive processes have been left shattered, cognitive dissonance the defence of the ignorant. The desire to know who it is within operating our lives, our thinking, our individual emotional responses and our mental acuity to reason has all but been erased. The fear of discovering we have been living one huge lie is for many far too great an exposure to address, let alone change. Yet what we refuse to address within us merely manifests in our outer world exponentially to the number of self deniers and refusers to become self aware.

We may feel so self righteous stomping the keyboards and handhelds to broadcast our selfish selves on social media. We may feel our indignation spread virtually is enough to change the world. The delusion of these thoughts is the very disease killing us.

It never was and will never be. That lie if believed will contain us nicely as prisoners in our own mindset for eternity. The Powers the Be will rub their hands in glee, set off more wars, bombs, fake false flags and continue to distract even more from the reality and proudly know they are succeeding.

Yet among all this are seeds and fertile growth of realisation  these travesties foisted and perpetrated on us all are delusion and the real enemy. The recognition of transparent deceit writ even larger by arrogance, self interest and belief their deception will win is being outed as surely as the Emperor’s new clothes were.

Evil and falsehood have never won. Truth, justice and right always, eventually trump these falsehoods – it is a matter of numbers and an awakening to reality that is our collective birthright.

As the evolutionary clock slips into the second before midnight are we filled with enough  humanity to face down the forces set to destroy us all?

Here is hoping!