Word War One – The Pen v The Sword

“No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world.” – John Keating

As a journalist having worked in and experienced many war zones it became obvious the pen is far mightier than the sword. Truth speaks more fluently through it than it does through gun barrel or rocket launcher, yet because there is far greater financial gain making munitions and raping countries’ natural wealth once conquered, the balance of odds looks tipped in the warmongering aggressors’ direction.

Information, educated facts and truths are the enemy of any war. Thus it is said the first casualty in any conflict is truth.

I witnessed first hand the bloody connivance of the British establishment and militarytot-in-greece-12-13 during the Balkan Wars. Their support for the Ottoman Empire’s murderous process was the final straw making me throw in my commission, take up my pen and make sure words became my anti war effort. The slim volume The Greeks Triumphant went some way towards that in supplying truthful witness reporting, albeit ignored during the First World War, whose lies and deceit in starting were the same problem reoccurring! greek-triumphant-scover

Today in 21st century reporting, journalism for the main rags and television have been utterly corralled and controlled by not only oligarchs but oligarchs in the pay and club of the Zionist Rothschild Banking cartel I fought many years of my later life exposing these facts  as anyone can find in Dreams and Realities. That this malevolent construct has embedded itself as absolute power is testament to not only people not paying enough attention but also to the power of a technological  methodology perfecting the spread words as propaganda and mind control.

This Word War was ignited and fanned by the attempts of the Fakers and Liars to point their pens at real Truth Tellers, focused and well researched exposers of such malfeasance. Their shouts of Foul! and Fake News! is merely well rehearsed distraction and diversion. It is the oldest game in the book to point at others diverting and describing the perpetrators own evils, sins and lies! To a dumb, dormant and compliant populace this repetition swiftly embeds itself as truth. The reality is it is so far from the truth as to make a critically thinking person weep!

This warfare is extremely dangerous as it invites any number of specious casus belli be offered up when in reality the very lies are the weakest maintenance of an untruth – the expansion of Empire. These are actions of a psychopathic, sick and evil construct dying in its own shit pool, as it is revealed and brought closer to its own unmasking. Exposure always encourages madcap action – a final solution – the destruction of mankind for the sake of the few, psychotically believing their immunity is sacrosanct from such terminal work.

Cries of helplessness are everywhere. The machine against them portrayed as so vast as to be insurmountable. Fears born out of ignorance of reality or plain refusal to look beyond the nose of their own comfort zones, feed this nonsensical position. Yet even the heights of Mount Olympus were brought low, exposed and found to be made of clay. What is needed is the destruction of this toxic mould. How that can be achieved is by working and agitating intelligently on a level where an individual can make a difference – locally. Most of us will never find ourselves in the public eye, we therefore do not have at our disposal the means to broadcast widely, in spite of the Internet.

Where potential is most effective for change through an individual, is within their own  sphere of influence. We are not all politicians, public speakers, celebrities (thank god!) or writers, film makers or popular activists in the wider world. However we all have our own community, even if that may be just two or three. These spaces are the best and most important to activate, educate and encourage into action. That many of the top ranked, most visible are owned, controlled and manipulated by the very forces who are the problem – The Cuckoo Zionist Corporate Bankster cabals alongside their puppets – we individually are not directly, merely allowing ourselves to become complaint, manipulated and abused.

Using  intelligence, diligence and the innate power we hold, it is incumbent on us all to stir a movement where truth is recognized, uncovered wherever it presents, which inevitably will never be found within the resources most people gather their news and information from.

Is social media a preferred and likely place for gearing up active support and dissemination of truth and reality? Yes true to a degree, yet it harbors also breeding grounds for control, deception and manipulation. By sowing doubt, lies, untruth, ‘fake news’ and all sorts of other games of subterfuge spy masters and elite make their craft, through the likes of Mossad, CIA, GCHQ and  other criminally controlled alphabet agencies and are past masters leading ill prepared individuals and groups who lack critical thinking, into confusion, dissemblance and frustration. I know, having been enrolled in their ranks at the outset of  modern spymasters’ Secret Services, it was and always is a dirty little secrets business.brainwashed

In every organization there are those who know the truth of things. These lights within the darkness break out, break silence to disseminate at vast personal cost for the greater good. These so-called whistle-blowers are never aided by ill-informed couch potatoes spewing off in social environments, their ignorant beliefs pronouncing how this and that fellow is controlled opposition/part of the elite etc. As if ignorance, zero knowledge and guess work ever uncovered truth, let alone being helpful. My advantage was and always has been to commit myself to finding the truth in any matter, through extensive and deep research, constantly asking questions, holding judgment until facts, not assumptions or logical fallacies persuade me to conclusions as bright as day.

An excellent source for beginners and professional alike is this web site. Its free downloaded or printed version of a logical fallacies poster is essential weaponry in the cause of Word War One.Screen Shot 2017-04-28 at 12.33.23

The Internet, its programs, diversionary games, social sites and the rest is still, at the time of writing, a place where truth, facts and revelation can be fertile ground for awakening those whose minds have been limited. As I wrote in another article – it is in our power to change the odds, to set the program, as we have the numbers on our side. All the words and supplications the Powers That Be engage us in are mere whistling in the wind set against our power of denial of compliance, refusal to buy into their beliefs, rules or anything that contradicts the free and absolute right of our individual and collective sovereignty. So many forget this basic and founding principle we are – Sovereign!

So using every avenue, every opportunity and every means communicate the truth of what really is, what research has divulged. Anyone feeling they know too little then – get wised up, become informed and put all of that into action.

Anyone who does not becomes the problem. Anyone shirking their personal responsibility for the comfort of letting others do the work is complicit in helping the enemy win their case by abstention.

  • Start voting tactically – yes every vote counts, especially the votes that proclaim, “I will not be stolen!” None more importantly than this year 2017
  • Write in social media, without hate, loathing or other negativity – write truths, source references – research do not become lazy and take someone else’s word for it or worse, just re-post, parrot or regurgitate an unchecked, unverified publish. It just multiplies the bull!
  • Talk to family, friends and co workers – find out what they think – ask them why and where they got the confirmation for these beliefs. If it was through the TV, newspapers and mainstream, note that. Educate through example and excellent resources and research rather than forceful denying them their view. Better still share sources that contradict their opinion and get them to open a critical mind. We all have one rusty, snagged or operating well.
  • Take time meet people at their level no matter how low and show them how hypnotized they have allowed themselves through lapping up propaganda, manipulation and relinquishing control.
  • Always remember a horse can be taken to water but never made to drink. People cemented to their viewpoint and intransigent will only remain there, so move on: Never waste time and energy nor get plugged into stagnant and putrifying energy.

There are always those preferring destruction through blindness, ignorance and fear – just never spend too long around these types. We are far too close to the midnight hour.

The Word War, spoken and written,  may not feel like a gun in hand, yet alongside conviction, well done research and an absolute belief in truth and humanity, it becomes a far more powerful nuclear option than any bomb and best of all spills no blood of and by itself.

Raise your words, not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder.” – Rumi

Handle them carefully, for words have more power than atom bombs.” – Pearl Strachan Hurd

“All I need is a sheet of paper and something to write with, and then I can turn the world upside down.” -Friedrich Nietzsche

Read more of my research and the story of uncovering the mechanisms of global control in Dreams and Realities

Capt AH Trapman
: aka Toto, has been a journalist for The London Telegraph, author of several well received books include The Dog, Man’s Best Friend, The Greeks Triumphant and Straight Tips for Subs and co-founder/creator for the British Army, the Bicycle Battalions. As a researcher and investigative reporter he was responsible for uncovering hidden pathways to the Global Deep State following the global financial crash of 1929.

When the Odds Favour the Problem – Change the Odds by Creating The Solution!

How do you begin to challenge an orthodoxy when that very entity is the enemy in our midst? Historically we have been fed and persuaded to believe ‘the enemy‘ to be a transparent evil of obvious proportions. A creature of demonic evil perpetrating unspeakable horrors defying essential humanity. Once exposed, it then becomes continuously demonised through repetition, association and so called righteous outrage.

What if  ‘the enemy‘ turns out to be, in reality, a construct of the very group persuading us of their version of the foe to divert us seeing that the true enemy is them? If anyone can be turned into a head spin surely this sort of tack is ripe for setting such spin in motion. When questioned such manipulations and exposures are beaten down and ridiculed as ‘conspiracy theory‘, rantings of lunatics, terrorists or fanatically charged treasonous talk.

These sorts of riposte are not news to many!

In short this is their game tactic. Yet who are these ‘they‘ characters? Who are they persuading us to believe lies as truth, manipulation as information and disingenuous disguise as full frontal reality?

Challenging the orthodoxy has historically been the part played by those on the fringes of life lived as ‘normal‘. Today with the panoply of diverse information and sources where another side is fully presented, it becomes increasingly difficult for those persuading one toxic view to be taken as seriously and without question as in days gone by where mainstream media was considered independent and a trusted source. The criminal element, dressed as ethical governance, uses an iron fist of restraint, a powerful lock down on free speech, discussion and all that might propagate another side of any story, even though they deny that vociferously.

These tactics themselves become more and more transparently manipulative to a slowly enlightening people. Therein lies the rub, the slowness of enlightenment. With a mainstream press and TV wholly owned and manipulated by a handful of commissars of corporate interest, themselves fully bought up members of a disparate group of power hungry control freaks, any semblance of fair discussion, opposing viewpoints are stifled at birth.

Today we are faced with so many challenges to evolutionary growth in mind and physical well being daunting to even the most hardened activist. The strength with which the movement and actions of the few, very wealthy and influential players have mobilized power, both political and financial, in their domain is frightening. To point bankstersfingers and responsibility at plutocrats, bankers, money controllers, corporate cronies or Zionist Rothschild Cuckoos makes for easy targets and undoubted virulent return fire from such quarters. It increases their ability to divide, distract and confuse through the usual suspects such as anti-Semitism, conspiracy theorists, fake news charges and accusations of terrorism.

To put it simply, it is easy identifying a shit hole but the various constituents making up that shit hole, although both individually and severally responsible for the shit within that hole and spewed from it, are powerful enough to fend off and distract attention from their filthy activities by throwing the blame back on their accusers. Without a critically thinking population these foul accusations stick like the proverbial to the blanket of public perception.

Having had historically so much time to develop their positions and propaganda within the shit hole making it appear they work for a paradise of equality for all to the dulled and asleep, the controlled mindset of people drawn to this illusion of life as free and democratic becomes the very first line of defence these shysters hide behind. Matrix-style people are led to believe that:

a) I am powerless to alter the reality presented

b) there isn’t any need to make massive changes when choice is always in the periodic individual vote I am empowered and blessed with

c) Albeit I suffer a few short term discomforts, there are those who are working to make my lot far better as long as I remain silent, mind my own business, be patient and let many of my previously allowed privileges be denied me to further security, long term betterment and peace.

d) Those wanting change outside the Powers That I vote to Be are terrorists/criminals/agitators/migrants/fanatics or plain lunatic conspirators who we are rightly told NOT to believe

Any or all of these states of mind will prevail any argument put forward. Every comfort zone of acceptance fertilized through complicity to these kinds of thought forms, out of ignorance, unwillingness to consider another point of view or sheer laziness denying mental perturbation, will remain and when encouraged, persist as desired!

So, doomed to this cycle of the same old, same old – how, you may ask, can any of us change the odds, alter the viewpoint and stimulate each opportunity for change to a healthier, more empowering direction?

If the answer was simple surely we would have twigged it by now, would we not?

Endeavoring to remain as simple as possible, reconstructing an addled, heavily controlled and manipulated mind is a long and arduous process. Those who infected so many minds with the inability or wish to challenge any concept of evil outside of those easily emotionally driven examples presented them, know and have known all along the ease with which ill educated, untrained minds can be held in hellish stasis at will and mobilized as and when called upon.

This knowledge has always been used, placed in hyper drive through manipulated use of technology, desire and placebo placement. So setting out to break these chains of slavery is no mean task, yet like Hercules needs strength beyond and above the ‘normal‘.homefront_the_revolution_motorbike-wallpaper-1152x720

One sure fired, tried and tested way for it to come about is revolution of the bloody and costly kind. Using the tools of your enemy against him yourself has never been a recommended procedure. These ways are always favoured by the ruling powers as such insurgency is easily counteracted. It is their modus operandi such warfare.

Using the force of the enemy against itself is classic martial art technique. T’ai chi uses this ‘soft’ form of defence to unbalance and manoeuver the assailant into a position where he becomes vulnerable and thus beaten.taichi

One option is to allow natural process to bring about self destruction, however the destruction along the way usually acts as a buffer due its high and inhumane cost. Another would be to use self education, wisdom and craft. This would be beneficial yet the percentage needing such education would bring it alongside the timeline of natural extinction.

Using the same technology as the forces confronted, and an ability to connect to numerical advantage – people – against a minority – the elite power – hands a vastly more practical and superior methodology with massive cost effectiveness to the perceived powerless.

When searching the Achilles heel of such behemoths it lies full on, in plain sight. It is success-is-not-measuredhidden within the numbers game, the math of potential superior natural force. When the appropriate percentage of force is activated it becomes a lethal weapon of exposure, followed by awareness to travesties committed. This itself followed by ever increased empowered worth. People become energised, realising collective power is far, far more potent than the travesty of control accepted for so long and excused through ignorance, idleness, inertia or just plain compliance.

For many these truths ordinarily are not recognised until such time as personal disadvantage is laid out to floor them – everything from deprivation, suffering, illness or death.

What is little appreciated is the arrogance of the powerful controlling parties is so great as to make initiating steps exposing their true nature is written deep in their DNA. It is as if they cannot help themselves prevent these actions. Thus to some extent it becomes worthwhile giving them the false security of pretending any submission is real. Their hubris can never resist that possibility. When that does happen those awakened, in the know have to move swiftly using all available means to spread the nature of the lies strutted publicly.

We are at such a juncture today.

The election tool manipulated by those feeling they operate it and abuse it to advantage, holds its own ‘kill button‘ – it is: Give people the vote and within lies a two edged sword able to turn on the forces of power and oust them from their ivory towers of control.

It may be easy to fall into the trap believing this tool to be controlled by the perpetrators making 15VoterFraudthe act of voting impotent, handing back power to the elite and feeding their self belief of omnipotence. To cite history as proof as to why these methods never seem to work in the people’s favour is to show a level of ignorance in historical precedent and unrelated to today’s technological means. To ascribe them the power to falsify the voting system completely hands back the power of numerical superiority to them. Of course we can cite examples of manipulation and they do exist, however what is questionable is whether they are really able to cripple a complete process where a population is fired and committed to ousting by turning out in droves. In spite of recent examples of manipulation I feel it cannot rule out the will of people fully intended.

We are given relatively few opportunities to flex the collective muscle, yet when we are it’s imperative to use it wisely and to the max. Thus tactical joined up considerations become imperative. Just because you vow to be Green, Left, Centre or Far Right may not be the best choice when faced with a stacked non proportional system. Sometimes short term expediency is far more in the collective interest gaining the destruction of the problem properly. It then leaves transition to a far less tampered and fairer system enacted in a far clearer and conducive climate.

It is at this point we hit personal wish/ego/proclivity favoured over collective action. This repetitive short term quick fix is unreliable and not helpful where profound toxicity needs eradicating by the many. Yet such personal choices highlight an Achilles heel of popular demand. Touted as sensible to follow by the powers that be, in spite of encouraging the chase of an unobtainable target under such narrow and difficult restraints as the two/three  party system, it offers music to these powers supporting their desire to neutralise voting to a mere generous gesture.

Bottom line an individual can only change that which is within. That is to say, old habits reneging responsibility through not voting at all (apathy), voting the way families vote (the hereditary vote) or just doing the same thing again and again without true consideration or hoping for change (the intransigent vote) doom us all to staying with the problem. Unless this is addressed every person becomes a mere tool of someone else’s choice. The best would be to develop critical thinking on a scale whereby no one has any effect to make decisions except oneself. That however at present is wishful thinking writ large.

When the mass of the people demand real change by voting together, not even a government, no matter how controlled they are can stand against such a tsunami.

The powers presently holding sway over us count on our division, separation, muddle and confusion. To that they add greater and greater befuddlement. It is all designed to feed on our belief in our powerlessness. It uses that to cement a belief we can never overcome. What it fails to account for, in its arrogance, is how wrong it transpires when the masses awaken.

Our duty and responsibility is to recognise and act with all power we inherently possess. To use fully the strong will and mind lying dormant within. Armed with this weapon of Total Mass Construction, we blast away the mockeries that held us prisoner for centuries. We free ourselves to work together in a way we have always been hardwired to achieve.

The choice is simply ours and ours alone. Whether we make that choice determines how long we suffer this present challenge fed us by psychopaths and chancers of the most virulent kind!


Read more of my research and the story of uncovering the mechanisms of global control in Dreams and Realities

Capt AH Trapman
: aka Toto, has been a journalist for The London Telegraph, author of several well received books include The Dog, Man’s Best Friend, The Greeks Triumphant and Straight Tips for Subs and co-founder/creator for the British Army, the Bicycle Battalions. As a researcher and investigative reporter he was responsible for uncovering hidden pathways to the Global Deep State following the global financial crash of 1929.

Co-incidence, Planned Prodding Experiment or Universal Patterning?

For those paying attention, having done sensible serious research and enabling the connection of dots accrued from many incidents there stands out by a mile, specific  human hands delivering preordained goods.

In the light of the assassination of the Archduke Ferdinand, only very few working athith-assassination-of-archduke-franz-ferdinand-E this level of attention recognised events for what they were. It became imperative for them to  keep heads low and expose little publicly. What flowed from this much acknowledged set up or in today’s parlance, false flag event are at least two world wars, huge division all the way forward and an overarching tighter control of government and financial aspects of world events by a tight knit group who remain unknown in entirety but visible through its various parts.

By the time 9/11 happened the world had changed so dramatically it was immediately possible to see something very stinky and far reaching was in process.

Roll back the years to when John F. Kennedy was assassinated and we see the hand of crosshair-JFKAssasination-3the elite, through their linked chain of CIA,  swiftly bringing to bear a massive campaign to create a ‘silencing’ of any views threatening the official tale. The inside job being perpetrated by deep government, external foreign elements, in the form of terrorist Cuckoos and those running the financial system were on mission big time and out of control.

Silencing’ was achieved through the introduction of a term now common parlance labeling all who questioned the official story as ‘conspiracy theorists. It would come to pass that all who engaged in this sort of approach would be labeled as such and thus all counter argument was neutralized. As the term became more and more inculcated into the vernacular, it took on the description of someone not to be believed, a crazy, a Conspiracy Theoriescreator of fabricated tales and scenarios. The reality that other opinions may as well have held justifiable content to research was neatly consigned to the trash sand the elephant in the room, that the official story was the real conspiracy, is neatly whitewashed.

Its success, through a totally compliant media loving the shock and awe of a super slick put down, engaged the public perception, who still largely believed they had an honest medal. They were easily fooled to lap it up.

With the arrival of alternate views disseminated through the Internet, bypassing standard media delivery systems, it became apparent other forms of put down and fake-newssilencing had to be employed. Thus the term ‘Fake News’ was created in the same vein forcing the idea any viewpoint other than the officially narrated one was fake. This would force itself into the consciousness of a largely befuddled collective mind and seal the handed truth. The fact fake news mostly emanates from the very media promoting this line was supposed to be tossed aside as ridiculous.

In today’s world this while process has become the new War. A War for our minds. These procedures, and there are many other examples too numerous to annotate, are finding it ever more tricky to silence dissent, ever more chaotic in changing the enfeebled narrative and most importantly, allowing truth to be broadcast and heard by ears accepting to hear a different take on matters.

In the days and months leading up to and following the Crash of ’29, confusion, panic and fear were powerful enough to prevent serious acceptance of truths that would take  years to reach a wider public. My own part in exposure had the predictable pattern of ‘wipe out the trouble maker’. Being an avid researcher and having studied these things from both sides of the fence, my own exposures were done in the fullest knowledge that having raised my head above the parapet I would be heavily shot at.

However I digress, for what is faced here in the 21st century is a far more pernicious beast that demands above all critical thinking, awareness and an awakened and open mind. For too many the comfort of not entering these territories is too appealing, yet truth be known, by that very action we doom ourselves to slavery at best and extinction at worst.

Although there are many incidents that can be analyzed successfully, I offer a very recent example of the Empire swiping at and playing hands in desperate attempts to retain control of situations, when so many efforts at control have failed, on the largest stage of all – global.

A local crowd can be shut down by police, military and the like. Previously that would have worked on a national scale. That we have been blasted with propaganda to persuade us all that an Empire, no matter whose, is invading, fighting, killing and randomly targeting hundreds of thousands if not millions for the cause of “Freedom and Democracy” is so transparently ridiculous as to awaken more and more to the real agenda at play. The Military Industrial Corporate Complex gasps for oxygen using its self created tools to gain the ends.

It is not working, so obviously, as in every other single causus belli, the financial sector is played out to collapse, be manipulated and used as ultimate raison d’être for war. Confuse them first with clowned and highly controlled Presidents, divide them with EU breakups and then play those aces, illusory but believed to exist in final lock down. That it may mean a huge percentage loss of life has never been a pause point in the psychopathic mindset of those playing these end games.

Yet before that happens a play out takes shape. Let’s see how the herd reacts when we power-outagestart cutting life essentials. Thus the recent blackouts in the USA in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, and to a far lesser extent Dallas, Houston, Minneapolis, Chicago, Washington and Boston happens. Media rallies to ‘fear up’ the drama in the way they do best. All the usual excuses are rolled out after the event however the task having taken place,  results noted, the ground is prepared for future shock!

Another event seemingly unconnected – the gunning down of a Paris policeman by the usual “terrorist sympathiser/affiliated” suspect might be viewed as another bite back from illegal messing around in the Middle East, yet that this young policeman is found to Xavier Jugelerhave been a witness to the Bataclan Theatre in Paris set up offers an opportunity to neatly dispose of a leaking vessel through the obvious ‘revenge’ motives of a useful pawn of dubious origin.

As much as this might be seen as stretching credulity too far, the amount and repetitiveness of so many other false flag events in this vein, make it perfectly plausible. What is certain is there is a desperation afoot in events unfolding calling for ever more transparently obvious staged ‘atrocities’ to shore up a story becoming more unbelievable as eyes open and a previously believed narrative falls on its own sword of deceit.

Hollywood has conditioned minds to buy into unlikely scenarios, prepared them to accept ever more ghoulish murder, psychotic behaviour and retribution as par for the course, there comes a limit when actual bite back reality begins to threaten an audience previously held under the spellbound belief they are impervious to threat or real danger or that the belief offered is so outrageous, it births incredulity and deeper questioning.

Add into this confused mix the unknown and unpredictable ways Mother Nature and solar weather operate and you have the greatest EMP (Electromagnetic pulsing) threats freely performing, surmounting anything human machination could conspire to create. All the devious human mind can do is make us believe a natural occurrence is in fact man made. Anything else is so far out of their control as to terminally threaten their power base.

There will always different levels of education of events yet one thing is a certainty – the more we question and receive no valid, truthful or plausible answers, the more we doubt the powers we have placed in control. At these moments even ill educated folk stand up and give these powers a huge finger and use what has always been considered as a useful panacea – the vote – to place a humongous fly in the pure ointment of the elite’s bullshit and lies.

Everything cracks and crumbles, everything  disintegrates and disappears so that new growth, fertile beginnings can be birthed. To witness this natural cycle on the scale we are presently facing can only be described as truly awesome.

The fly we ourselves must protect from falling into the present ointment is our fear. This fearitselfone constituent, both necessary and essential in a natural world, when aroused and baited by actions promoted as real to stimulate unwarranted fear in us, is the single weakest link in, not only our battle for survival but for the potential to win through, turn the tide and become closer to our true nature of who we really are and to live that reality.

So it is good to remember, whatever they throw out as real, however much it may justify lock down, the robbery of what remains of our humanity, is merely the intention of a virulent evil on its deathbed, refusing to accept termination on the pyre of human mockeries it has itself created.

“There is no such thing as coincidence. It exists merely for those refusing the math of universal patterning”  Nikola Tesla

Read more of my research and the story of uncovering the mechanisms of global control in Dreams and Realities

Capt AH Trapman
: aka Toto, has been a journalist for The London Telegraph, author of several well received books include The Dog, Man’s Best Friend, The Greeks Triumphant and Straight Tips for Subs and co-founder/creator for the British Army, the Bicycle Battalions. As a researcher and investigative reporter he was responsible for uncovering hidden pathways to the Global Deep State following the global financial crash of 1929.

Churchill Created Genocide But May Is Paving The Way For Dictatorship

When I met Churchill at his country home, Chartwell during his rest from politics in the early thirties I witnessed facing a personality never truly divulged by press and media of the day. His response, in the fashion of one journalist to another was frighteningly prescient:churchill-genocide

“The pen’s essential yet where we find in our territories a strong aboriginal propensity to kill, our faith must always exert a modifying influence, protect them from their more violent forms of fanatical fever and where necessary exterminate such brutish behavior,”

The arrogance shown in this remark ought to have been a red flag in anyone’s book, when viewed from the perspective of how millions were dispensed and treated in the years to follow, its echoes of chagrin deepen and expand. Even his sharing of stories from the days of  Boer conflicts onward, along with my personal experiences with the man, it was plain to any man of conscience here was arrogance and self righteousness so far beyond the scales of propriety, sage leadership and integrity.

It was amply apparent his projection onto a suitable enemy or vulnerable target was the age old blame it on the foe so that the mirror of responsibility and truth never reflected back on its true perpetrators.

As I glance into the 21st century, it seems things have not got any better. In fact they have hardened to a solid form of acceptability. The media happy and compliant to condone, force feed and propagandize through greater and greater mind controlling of a population, distracted by fluff and technology so as to not see clearly the very dangerous and terminal game played out on them at their eventual expense.

This week in 2017, Theresa May, the bastard spawn of Conservative Control and elite manipulation has, with the help of her pliant press and Zionist master planners, opted to call an early General Election.

With her silent helpers within the ranks of a Labour Party riven by dissent, revolution and deceitful self immolation we stand on the cusp of giving these people a swingeing majority with which to implement a plan of such draconian measures as to eclipse the Nazi horrors, Chilean dictators, Saudi royal capers and any other tinpot dictatorship you might recall. Under the guise of “all in it together for the best in all possible worlds” we will be dragged into a nightmare of our own making and compliant agreement.

Silence has always been the enemy of truth and righteousness. It has been the preferred leonardo-da-vinci-silenceweapon used most successfully, through either propaganda, misdirection or misinformation down the ages. Our problem today is that these means, fed into a compliant and sycophantic media then passed through the filter of Internet technology, spreads this disease like the worst virus going.

With people, the majority of whom have been foisted out of personal responsibility, individual, rational and critical assessment, we face a situation where many will just throw their hands in the air, fail to see any way out or through and either absent themselves from the very process of change or go for the option they deduce as the easy and comfortable one for them personally.

When I was stationed in India in the very early 1900s I was confronted with learning karmadeadlineabout the Indian view and take on karma. This being the understanding that actions have reactions, you reap what you sow and is more absolute and immovable than mountains themselves. Responsibility not taken has consequences. These consequences can and inevitably do have repercussions way beyond personal boundaries. The ignorance of this fact alone would, if fully realised,  shock many to take back responsibility immediately. So many times across generations it has been illustrated. When the question is asked after some catastrophe or accident – “Why did this happen and why was it deserved?” – no one applies the law of karma to such things. It is as if they have been made impervious to such absolutes. At least many take the soft excuse – ‘God willed it!’ – O, the ignorance and abdication of such responses.

We are all interconnected so intrinsically that if we truly understood this truth, we would instantly endeavour to correct and reapply our self. Yet the brutish behavior, as Churchill referred to and our so-called developed nations mindset we so like to adopt and feel kin to, is anything but intelligent, sanguine, just and right, save to those describing it thus.

So it is beyond irony that a man placed as a saving figurehead of freedom, values and a democratic ideals not only spawned and encouraged a slow burning fuse for what exists today but its incarnation as presented by the British institutional system has nothing resembling freedom and democracy and everything horrendous heralding a dictatorial state, governed as ever by the non-elected few directing all, behind the charade of elected houses, free and fair elections and the pompous panoply  passing ridiculously for democratic process and royal assent.

img-thingWe can look at this as a peculiarly British situation, yet that would ignore all the other situations perpetrated exposing this virus as global menace. The Middle East, Far East Africa, the list is endless. Soothed by the entertainment (or should that be containment) industry spewing out films and propaganda showing the usual suspects of bad guys ruining our lives and our people storming their fabricated battlements to win, develops a myopic, specious sense of superiority while controlling the senses of everyone who can and must be controlled.

For those fully aware of this problem, and I call these people The Outsiders, I am preaching to the choir. In my own way I took the particularly lonely road of facing off this threat by becoming Public Enemy #1 to the Powers that Were (and still are) in my day and became a marked man to boot. Today it seems a massive movement of dissent and non compliance is called for. A creative way in this particular election in the UK is to gang up against this behemoth of bestiality as did David against the apocryphal Goliath and fling that stone to cast out the Eye of Evil intending to corral, capture and destroy for good the last vestiges of sanity, freedom and truth.

It is a really tough and huge call. It requires a massive induction of education, a fast lane that defies perhaps even the laws of physics itself. But action needs to be now more than ever. Exposing the evil plan, shaming it in as fluent and creative way as possible, circumventing the mainstream media who will refuse, as always to entertain any divergence from their ordered path, is a huge ask, yet this is the imperative.

if-you-are-neutralOne thing we British have been proud of and excelled in for many decades is the art of creative action, thinking and production. Setting aside petty differences, leaving squabbling to the childish politicos, ridding ourselves of the division the powers so wish us to continue,  cohesion is needed as never before. If these words can help join joint purpose then they have started a movement so essential and swiftly necessary. Spreading this message is the start for each of us.

If not the violence and retribution Karma will rain down upon our collective heads will not only be terminal but justly deserved without exception. Pray there are enough of us, not only in this country, but worldwide to change the disastrous course these psychopathic victors have decided history will take under their demonic control.

Read more of my research and the story of uncovering the mechanisms of global control in Dreams and Realities

Capt AH Trapman
: aka Toto, has been a journalist for The London Telegraph, author of several well received books include The Dog, Man’s Best Friend, The Greeks Triumphant and Straight Tips for Subs and co-founder/creator for the British Army, the Bicycle Battalions. As a researcher and investigative reporter he was responsible for uncovering hidden pathways to the Global Deep State following the global financial crash of 1929.












Inglorious Genocide – The Ongoing British Shame

In the trenches of the Somme, the horrors of Passchendaele, the Spring and Hundred Day Offensives were but a few of the incalculable travesties describing and demarcating the horror that was the First World War. That the British elite were utterly responsible for such carnage is one of the most unreported facts pointing to known genocide of its own and other people.

When I met and discussed with Winston Churchill a decade after this travesty of a warWORLD WAR ONE BATTLE OF THE SOMME had ended, he confided in me how it was, in the greater scheme of things, all worthwhile. That the traitor Balfour had promised in 1917 a deal with the Rothschilds and their Zionist criminals to make sure Palestine was made over to them at a suitable time in the future was horrendous enough.

Few people realise that all that began at a time a year earlier where England was marked down to lose the war against Germany. My sister, who lived and was close to the Royal household, on account of her marriage to the Kaiser’s great friend, often recounted how miserably their (the Kaiser’s) British cousins had refused to stop the nonsense that had ignited this inter family war.

BalfourDeclarationScroll-11So when Rothschild proposed that they alone were able to turn things around and allow the British to gain the winning hand by persuading the Americans to join the fight, the trade for Palestine and the treacherous Balfour Declaration was sealed. It was that all deaths after these events now became blood on the hands of the British alone. It was this that Churchill declared was a price worth paying!

Genocide has been the mark of every Empire. Yet when it comes to numbers the British excel in this dark and foul statistic. Again we come to the great hero of the British again for adding another truly horrifying number of killings to the Empire tally. This was the deaths ordered by Churchill himself in India, when refusing aid to their plight.

During my Army days I spent some time there and found the Indians to be the most wonderful and charming peoples. Yet Churchill saw them as ‘vermin’, undeserving of support and aid in a time of deep crisis suffered in 1943. He would rather see them expunged than aid those giving their lives for his war effort. A tally of up to three million souls perished in the famine of ’43.

It would be but a few years later when the terrorists who stormed the St David’s Hotel, forcing their criminal State of Israel into existence, were handed the keys to continue what their benefactors had been doing for centuries, in Palestine. Those that gifted part of their Empire in exchange for the lives of millions, would one day be witness to these bastard students of their evil game, do just that on the indigenous Arabs and Palestinians.

When I was posted into the Balkan Wars at the turn of the century, an embedded war famine-dying1correspondent with the Greeks, I witnessed barbaric acts the Turks committed on their Greek adversaries. That war was a filthy example of support by the British and one in a long line that made me throw in my commission and begin to use my pen as sword against the horrors, not only of war but injustice and criminal genocide the British excelled in.

Back when the North American lands were invaded by the British crown and other European states, prior to the efforts of independence and my forebear’s winning gift, the gradual genocide of the rightful inhabitants had begun. The disdain the invaders had for those whose lands it was, became no different to any of their actions they committed and sanctioned in other parts of empire.

The Crown, its fellow cohorts, bankers, church and elite would grow, cover and celebrate a dark veil over the earth during its centuries of ascendancy and dominion.

My research leading on from the original intention to reclaim millions owed through my forebear’s now installed gift as debt has discovered the darkest side of humanity breeding in festering evil incubators fed on genocide, extermination and the pursuit of total control by this force.

dresden2From my present lofty view of all things present day I see the British have continued their partnership in genocide exporting its blood stained heritage through Bolshevik times, I witnessed,  to their very own genocide of the people of Dresden and that ghastly ‘Bomber’ Harris with his firebombing planning to wipe the German race off the map.

So in 2017, the centenary of that fateful contract Balfour signed we have the British as main contractors supplying their Saudi ‘proxy armies’ with the devastating means to wipe out the Yemeni people from the face of the Middle East. One has to ask the question:

When is enough blood and lives spent before humanity awakens from its costly slumber of closed ears and eyes?”YemenBombed-800x509

I fear, as much as I spent all my well honed skills and energies of research in uncovering unpalatable truths way back, we shall continue to witness this inhumanity man inflicts on his fellows in pursuit of arrogant, selfish and psychopathic ends.

The cancer of killing can only be stopped when enough of us decide to no longer buy into the supremacy and endgame that presently reigns.

It is well past time Empire falls yet the task demands action from one and all.

Will it be by our own wise hand or left to divine intervention by Nature herself?
Read more of my research and the story of uncovering the mechanisms of global control in Dreams and Realities

Capt AH Trapman
: aka Toto, has been a journalist for The London Telegraph, author of several well received books include The Dog, Man’s Best Friend, The Greeks Triumphant and Straight Tips for Subs and co-founder/creator for the British Army, the Bicycle Battalions. As a researcher and investigative reporter he was responsible for uncovering hidden pathways to the Global Deep State following the global financial crash of 1929.

Same Old, Same Old The Treachery of the Powerful

It’s well known that as a revolutionary and researcher after truth I have certainly had my run-ins with the authorities, the plutocrats and the power brokers of my day. As a prior innocent who was brought up to believe our rulers are here to look after our best interests and serve us as such, reality was to come as a rude awakening.

Yet in retrospect the severity and rudeness of such an awakening is concomitant to the revelation of truths as they expose themselves and register real intent.

Look, a little about myself. It helps to bring a perspective and hopefully insight into where I come from, what drove me to make decisions I made and why today I stand truly at a point where the only thing relevant is the truth.

Of course I hear some say, truth is relative. Yes it is, yet there are truths defining our very nature and  humanity which, when trampled upon, demand righteous anger, indignation and a call to action to question such travesties then break loose all hell in pursuit of righting wrongful treatment of subjects royal (the citizens) bringing to justice, once re-established, the perpetrators of such criminal acts against the people.

When in 1776 the Declaration of Independence was declared and signed by many of the States of the newly founded republic, it caused grievous complaint and the raising of forces against such movement as to stimulate the War of Independence. That things had been brewing and friction engaged is fact. My forebears, a founding family of the Carolinas, were all for the revolutionary acts perpetrated by the revolutionaries. Although British by genealogy, their hearts were all for the birth of a great new idea.

It was when General George Washington and his beleaguered forces got holed up over the winter of 1777 at Valley Forge, my forebear John Moore donated 14,000 pounds in gold towards the survival of a dream. A huge sum then and a fortune now in debt to be repaid at 6% per annum. That is another part of the story – The reality of such generosity is what we are experiencing today – a nation once birthed in good intentions now making its way as the empire of hegemonic psychopathic force intent on bending the world to its whip.


Empire disguised as Benign Power

It is of course where this reality once a dream has fallen to. Fallen not only foul of original intention but has birthed and bred a travesty parading itself as “Freedom and Democracy’. How a republic feels it can strut its right to a democracy is merely one single point of the lie foisted on a world, still somehow beholden to this chimera of freedom.
As a journalist, to be precise a war correspondent, I have witnessed my fair share of travesty, terror and outright genocidal slaughter paraded as rightful cause. Yet as my eyes were opened, through diligent research and constant questioning I stand here today and openly admit my shame at being not only British but having been party and witness to unspeakable and unreported crimes committed in the name of freedom and democracy. These crimes having being made not only by Americans but British, Turks, Europeans and others. That I stand now as an independent witness and let’s face it, whistle-blower to unspeakable actions on behalf of the rich and powerful is not a position I hold with any sort of pride.
My family on my father’s side comes from a long line of diplomats, spies, double dealers and intrepid explorers after hope, evolution and truth. Certainly a mixed bag of credentials for one of theirs to face the true enemy of humanity. Furthermore having been roped in and used by the very forces and powers I now expose and face full on, it begets a mighty task. However out of the womb of unrighteousness can be born the seeds of justice.

To have witnessed personally the activities of those bringing us the Crash of 1929 and subsequent rise of criminal banking cartels alongside nefarious plans for sowing war upon war upon war, it is not a happy lot, yet it is these very acts of witness allowing me to continue this work, enlighten those wishing to be enlightened and to fight against all travesties.


My personal honors and short lived glory are few. Having, in the days when I looked to the British Empire as the great and good it portrayed itself, my youthful exuberance flung me willingly into the ranks of the British Army. It was here I helped create the single biggest battalion ever in the history of that army – The Bicycle Battalions. With my pedigree and useful endeavors a nascent British Intelligence agency separated me out as useful for their purposes. Again in the day it was deemed honorable to be asked and serve one’s country in these shadowy ways. It also attracted a lot of well educated chancers who saw the swash and buckle as impressive when dating women. Yes the naivety of those illustrious ‘cloak and dagger‘ agents was the almost immediate undoing of the Service.

Much of the rest of my former life is a parody to failure, except the posthumous success of one of my several books, The Dog which come to think of it did not transpire in my life! – anyways –  my life as lived was far more an experiential rocky road than Yellow Brick. Even that took on an edge early when a chance meeting in my teens with Frank Baum of Wiz of Oz fame, in America had him steal my family nickname, Toto, for future literary purposes. But I digress.

It is the uncovering of those vile bankers, the money men and putrid rivers of money followed to their source that has presently landed me as Public Enemy No1, a hunted truth seeker with help from groups of others, let us call them Outsiders, set upon exposing the rotten core of what has become the main cog driving the madness that is our world today.

Be it Rockefeller, Rothschild, Kuhn Loeb, JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, The Federal Reserve or Bank of England, Rome Frankfurt, London or New York the control by the few of the many, the enslavement of populations, exploitation and murder of countless millions is a story now so deep, so terrifying that to even question its veracity is to be criminalized, ostracized and called traitor.

So with all the tools I have been gifted by those that have come after me I declare my intention to expose through formidable research and credited abilities these facts. Whilst mortal I merely scratched the surface and began to uncover, however around me I look and see many hundreds if not millions of Outsiders working hard today to disseminate truth and hidden history.

Technology seems to have out-ridden the newspapers and radio broadcasts of my day. That I worked with and was then royally screwed over by such an esteemed title as The New York Times, looks in retrospect like the burgeoning practice of one organ, among many now utterly sold out and used by the very powers’ actions I had started to uncover.

Same old, same old! is it not?

As my life long friend and fellow renegade, Nikola Tesla, told me once, referring to the media:Nikola-Tesla-hero-631.jpg__800x600_q85_crop
They’re all sluts to the whores of banking and wealth… ” and further observed about those that rule us:
“What briefly passed as governance has become a tool with which the plutocrats play us all”

Having gone through the mill and now able to operate on the other side I can say with absolute certainty that to right these wrongs, to fight this insidious enemy we need to band together, operate as the many parts of the one and withdraw our cooperation with a system sick to the core. That may feel like exposing us naked and vulnerable, yet armed with truth, integrity and the will to overcome, we ourselves become the true power and dominion in this world.

The question to ask is “Do I have the requisite courage to stand and declare my truth?

Read more of my research and the story of uncovering the mechanisms of global control in Dreams and Realities

Capt AH Trapman
: aka Toto, has been a journalist for The London Telegraph, author of several well received books include The Dog, Man’s Best FriendThe Greeks Triumphant and Straight Tips for Subs and co-founder/creator for the British Army, the Bicycle Battalions. As a researcher and investigative reporter he was responsible for uncovering hidden pathways to the Global Deep State following the global financial crash of 1929.


Incitement to War – The Zionist Template

When first I started to look into the connection of the Eight Families, the financial system of control and the back story that led to the events leading to the First World War, it became mightily apparent the hands of the Cuckoos, aka Zionists, were behind so many of the major moves orchestrated to incite total war.

As I look across time and see an attempt so blatant, so obviously committed to look like the perpetrators are those at the cusp of winning back their lands and invasion by terrorists, only to be foisted with actions made out to be their own hands’ involvement – it reminds me of that time when the Lusitania was sunk by what was blamed as German submarine torpedoes in order to bring the Americans into the First World War. However Winston Churchill’s hand in the matter both prior and after are remarkably poignant to a false flag operation being enacted – (See Dreams and Realities for other such Churchillian traits).

lusitaniaHere we had Germany all but having won the war with the Kaiser’s cousins on their knees. All pleas for common sense, a return to peace ignored, the Rothschild cabal set about bringing their promise to the British to wait a while as they, the Zionist banker criminal cartel created a false flag of sinking the passenger ship to stir the Americans from their unwillingness to enter the fray and persuade them to to launch themselves into it.

Today we see a wholly infiltrated US government, through technology, corporate and media Cuckoo controlled elements manipulated into committing acts so egregious, so criminal against international law, it beggars belief.

The style of attack is so similar to the way the Israeli Defence Forces perpetrate their crimes on Palestine as to make one wonder if these tactics are mere mirror operations to those committed by their mentors/controllers from HQ in Israel and operational centres around the world.

In my day we had no such communication and technological know how and operations. My brief sorties within the operations of the British Secret Service could have benefited from such architecture. It is concerning today to see how GCHQ has surpassed the wildest dreams of the likes of Mansfield Cummings, initiator of the British Secret Service and operators such as that little shit contemporary of mine, Claude Dansey.

I find it most unfortunate, and forgive me if my English use of understatement seems out of place, yet the whores of Fleet Street, Times Square, those Washington presstitutes and television channels are used so overtly by the terror creators to inflict misinformation, lies, travesties of truth and plain propaganda into the minds of the weak, ill informed and senseless.

But then what has changed?

The very art of propaganda in its modern usage had Bernays becoming the go to man of operational success when it came to tipping public opinion. Yet in 2017 it is easier to turn the world’s opinion on a lie than it is to spread a piece of toast with honey from the jar.

The actions of the two American destroyers flinging nearly 60 missiles into a sovereign state without so much as a please or thank you, let alone a legal UN mandate, defies the rules of international law above and beyond sanity. But then sanity was never the territory of the psychopathic elites running the 21st century, even though their forebears were as psychopathic with far less toys to damage the blue marble, our Earth and its pliant populations.

That we are thrown the bleating and vacuous repetitions from the lackeys of the power elite, those other sovereign nations totally under the thumb and control of the Cuckoos, is merely to be expected. The voice of sanity, the real population need to hear is drowned by media intent on one side only being heard.

I stand aghast, knowing personally how I also suffered under and became the butt of such noise, yet on a scale so much smaller, yet as damaging to the world in the pursuit for better.

My conclusions are that such actions as we are witness to this week in 2017 are as solid a mirror as the assassination of the Archduke way back in the day. That this trick reenacted might hopefully be seen as to the fraud it is can only be hoped for.

The moderation and pure art of retaliation from both the Russian, Syrian and Chinese, not forgetting the Iranians and brave Hezbollah, will be a glory to behold. With these players we have the comprehension and enactment of the long game, especially from the Chinese and Russians. We also have the use and mastery of using the enemy’s own force against them.

The question to be asked is:

Are there enough people in our world to shout foul and give us peace?

That the Israeli’s might resort to their end game playing piece in this highly dangerous game of chess will yet to be seen.

What is that piece I hear you ask?

May I dutifully point you to not only the comprehension and understanding of Operation Talpiot but also for you to consider further what the Russians and Chinese have up their sleeve to counter such an end game button. We would be foolish to believe the Cuckoos, albeit having infiltrated so much of world governance, are in the ascendancy. Quite the opposite they are at a point when they have to call on their Armageddon strategies having been exposed and outed as the criminal class they always were and currently play with devilish gusto.

To Understand Globalist Zionist Power And How It Rules From Israel, You Must Understand These Words – “OPERATION TALPIOT” and “THE TECHNION

Yes, dear readers we live in very interesting times. All I caution is show no fear, become an Outsider and know there is always the time when truth and justice prevails.

The Zionists will eventually be driven from all offices of power, directors of media control and the rat infested lairs they currently exist in. The Cuckoos will be driven forcibly from their usurped nests.

Read more of my research and the story of uncovering the mechanisms of global control in Dreams and Realities

Capt AH Trapman
: aka Toto, has been a journalist for The London Telegraph, author of several well received books include The Dog, Man’s Best FriendThe Greeks Triumphant and Straight Tips for Subs and co-founder/creator for the British Army, the Bicycle Battalions. As a researcher and investigative reporter he was responsible for uncovering hidden pathways to the Global Deep State following the global financial crash of 1929.

The Cuckoos Have Puppets and Play Them to Death

During my brother’s time in Leningrad,  known today as St Petersburg, it was common to hear the tale of 6 million Jews being persecuted by the Bolsheviks.

ludwiglandmannMy good friend Ludwig Landmann, the first Jewish mayor of Frankfurt, often shared with me how he found these figures of persecution of his Jewish brethren to be so glibly exaggerated and proclaimed. Of course as any true Jew will attest the figures, this propaganda has had its roots in the offensive cause of the Zionist movement, with the explicit intent to portray the Jewish people as the most despised, hated and persecuted in history.

Like many other cultures Jews have had their fair share of persecution. That cannot be denied. Yet as long as ill informed, propagandized people believe their leaders’ imprecations that ‘It’s the others that are the problem, the scourge, the anti-Semites‘, the myths built around and to support the Zionist machinations will continue.6 million hoax

I myself, when working with the New York Times, in the late 1920s heard and read archive material from as far back in 1890 where the editorials were ‘shocking up’ people to accept tales of six million persecuted Polish and Russian Jews. This ‘magic number’ had been part and parcel of a weapon of indoctrination to get people to believe the unique and quantitative experience of one ‘chosen‘ people. Many of these stories specifically were targeted at raising money for the poor persecuted Jews in these states and I remember how even senator Louis McFadden, the vociferous opponent of the Federal Reserve and foreign bankers shared how much of these monies raised ended up in the pockets of the Zionists, demonstrating how Jewish fundraising operations in America raised vast sums in the name of feeding Polish and Russian Jews, then funneled much of the money to Zionist and Communist “constructive undertakings” – including banks, unions, and kibbutzes.

My research discovered these evident truths and made me a prime target for retribution, as I exposed and uncovered the nefarious activities of the Eight Families, their puppet theatrics, The Federal Reserve, and main sycophantic self-interested plutocrats, political psychopaths and all those whose own integrity and peccadilloes had been exposed and compromised through blackmail and pay offs.

Why is this relevant to the world in 2017?

Well quite simply the power initiated, transformed and enlarged through not only two major world wars and the corporate growth of the Military Industrial Complex has now reached a pinnacle of control and placement of precise puppets in every meaningful seat of governance and corporate control as to affect the world’s fate. That fate seems to have only one direction – down and out!

I witnessed, as did many back in the day, how the experiment Zionists colluded with and orchestrated that became the Bolshevik Revolution, worked as a template for initiating, not only slaughter on a massive scale across decades but also proved their power to manipulate and propagandize the message to a world uncertain and ill informed except through the mass media at the time. Of course the New York Times was under the control of Zionist sympathizers, let alone true adherents to the message, so propagating that message was simplicity itself.

Two major wars later we had the story writ hugely exaggerated with the six million figure securing yet more juice to the sobbing, poor us history. Let us not deny there was untold slaughter in the many millions, yet the magic figure of the six million can be seen again to play a psychopathic symphony that today perpetuates the ‘rightness‘ of inflicting genocide, murder and proxy war on all who are branded as non believers.

Today you have also a whole raft of mainstream media, a television virus and powerful puppets in control dictating the manipulation of how people must think. For those breaking ranks, telling truth, they are branded with a lie and excuse that’s worked wonders even before the real Cuckoos went on to rape pillage and own as their own nest of Palestine. These things I have already detailed elsewhere. This anti-Semite jab and slur, for slur it most certainly is, has been a well admitted facilitator by the very Zionists who use it as a tool for shutting down dissent and any other side of the story that questions Zionist actions and criminal acts. For many other self confessed truths watch this compilation horror!

It is this sweeping generalization and persecution of non-Jewish response that creates division, increases the myth of the Jews as worst persecuted people on earth,  allowing these Cuckoos to inveigle themselves into this pity city story line of their own creation, at the same time as making the Jews suffer the persecution the Zionists themselves inflict on everyone else.

Because this fantasy has run for so many decades and been successfully planted into the consciousness of so many generations it becomes like so much of the Zionist propaganda, a lie repeated often becomes accepted as truth.

However for any sane human being mere repetition does not a lie make true. Yet today we are beset by so many untruths, so many ‘historical facts‘ masquerading as truth, yet merely propaganda of the victors and a continuous bashing out of the humiliation and persecution of a group that from out of its midst has propagated more persecution and destruction on the rest of the world than it ever has had fall on itself.

Today, as I scan 2017 it is so easy for those who have brain cells even semi functioning to see and hear all the proclamations of the vested interests’ and their puppet power seekers’ statements, when reversed, describe precisely what they and their actions are prosecuting themselves.

In the Middle East we see military presence of powers utterly subsumed in the control and exercise of what the Cuckoos are trying to achieve. Each corridor of meaningful power retches with dual nationals, Zionists or sympathizers, I prefer to call them puppets. These foul treacherous creatures slither through the corridors of DC, Westminster, potentate palaces of oil rich oligarchies, writhing, whispering threats and orders within a serpentine European Union, created as it was intended to be – the ultimate manifestation of power founded in my time, the Bank of International Settlements in Basel.

Today people of intelligence and proper research show up how media have been so successful brainwashing the general population. The technologies of the Internet offer such great diversionary divisive and distracting opportunity as to confuse and confabulate most all who never allowed development of their critical faculties.

So when we see the prosecution of trumped up lies and war bravado, when the incitement to belligerence is seen as the pinnacle of intelligent diplomacy, you have to look at who truly benefits from these mad cap actions.

Of course it’s easy to say the corporations of weapon manufacture benefit, when has it never? It is simplistic to say it is right over wrong, since there is no right involved in prosecuting lies and deceit. It becomes even easier to sit back and deny everything that does not equate with the status quo. Woe betide, I think my own thoughts rather than suck up what I am fed.

Collusion and acquiescence are far simpler solutions when anything more demanding than that might just rock my world of safe assumptions and plausible deniability into such dramatic change as to make me question the whole of my life’s learning.  You can take whatever tinpot dictator, more often than not placed there by the perpetrators themselves in times past, point the finger and say “Bad Man/Woman” and bomb the hell out of them, their country and their innocent peoples. Again merely more excuses and means to rid the populations of their right to live on earth at the same time as satiating psychopathic lust and gaining the aims and objectives of a Zionist cult.

As always follow the money – follow the plan, well presented and openly admitted as the Greater Israel Project. Then you see plainly how mayhem, murder and genocide are the expert’s choice of tools for bringing this plan to its evil conclusion.

Today, precisely 100 years from the time the rat Balfour agreed to deal the Zionist their long term prize worked for since the mid 1800s, that of flying into the nest that is Palestine, occupying it as their own, we are near to these criminal elements getting their way. The plan itself ought to have raised red flags as to intention, yet all it spawned has been an egregious growth of false flag operations, a major tool in the Zionist chest, helping throw blame and diversionary bigotry onto everyone else but the perpetrators of such criminality.

It has always and ever been that guilt must rest ultimately at the door of the Capo dei Capi – the Cuckoos.

Can you now appreciate why the reversal of such guilt, blame and persecution is foisted on all those  exposing this truth. This is a classic, well worn and tried methodology where the absolute perpetrators of such a sorry saga of world deterioration into total subservience and non-existence, blame their target.

Then we must not forget the front men,  this cabal of connivance, such as the criminal de Laszlo, Philip Alexius, 1869-1937; The Right Honourable Montagu Collet Norman (1871-1950), Governor of the Bank of England (1920-1944)head of The Bank of England, Sir Montagu Norman. His close and despicable dealings with the Rothschilds, who had virtually owned the City of London since their double crossing gambling from the outcome of Waterloo lays an indelible stain on the reputation of the City that becomes nothing other than a criminally controlled entity doing the bidding of those controlling the other two prongs of the triangulation, DC and Rome.

So much vested interest, so much fear of exposure of these truths and an unhealthy cowardice demonstrated by those whose positions could easily turn the tide of history makes the plight of humanity a sorry spectacle to behold.
Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fearAmbrose Redmoon
We all sit upon the razor’s edge of decision. To decide to comply and be complicit in the greatest crime humanity has brought upon itself or to decide to voice truth from every point of connectivity, every megaphone, every contact we make through whatever form, from this moment.

It is easy to remain asleep, it is comfortable to deny truth as its bastard opposite rips through each sense and part of our being. It is simplicity itself to accept the psychopaths atop the pyramid of power are perfectly at liberty to crush every last fiber left of our sanity, liberty and reason.

It is the most courageous, most challenging and most beautiful act to defy all this and speak truth. Reiterate, campaign and defy the powers that propagate persecution of the real power in our world – We the people!
Read more of my research and the story of uncovering the mechanisms
of global control in Dreams and Realities

Capt AH Trapman
aka Toto, has been a journalist for The London Telegraph, author of several well received books include The Dog, Man’s Best FriendThe Greeks Triumphant and Straight Tips for Subs and co-founder/creator for the British Army, the Bicycle Battalions. As a researcher and investigative reporter he was responsible for uncovering hidden pathways to the Global Deep State following the global financial Crash of 1929.
