When You Know Nothing – BREXIT!

I am long in the tooth enough to remember the whole entry circus into the Common Market. The ways we were pulled and pushed then was a gentlemanly affair suiting the likes of PM Heath’s demeanour.

Today in the final throes of Brexit led by a satanic witch and party of moronic self seekers and would be plutocrats, the circus has the same ragged top with clowns littering its ring. Any semblance of a ‘gentlemanly thing’ went west long ago and before Rees Mogg’s  plastic Ealing comedy type making the teens and millennials snigger in their soaked corner of crapulence cultivated selfishly through their latest hand held tech.

The whole idea and implementation of Brexit was formulated pre Thatcher to divert attention from the upcoming (then) master stroke of the greed infested corporate arse licking politicos who had already began placing WD40 into the revolving doors they would in future be using in rapid succession. 2008 was merely a trial run.

The greatest threat came from the hoi poloi, the great unwashed  who if they got a sniff of reality and what was being laid down for them would have seriously revolted. Revolution is a strange and to be avoided animal for the British commoner. The soup of bolshy trades unions confronting The Boss was as tepid an attempt as they were mostly prepared to muster.

Ignorance is bliss they would crow feeling terribly well heeled and educated to a philosophy in severe rabies mode. Music, drugs, the benefit system, unique inverted snobbery of too lazy to work the jobs the blacks and Pakis were taking off them suited their monstrously ignorant mentality.

Lest we avoid the class system ladder not knowingly sold cheaper in John Lewis, the middle classes, no less ignorant but in a class of their own could be seen wearing what they took as invisible dunces caps, merely, oh so politely, farted and pretended they did not shit in the same vacuous way as the working class and professed their slaughtering Godmother Mrs T was the best thing to happen to this country since Elizabeth First. Little did they know (and that was fact) how cripplingly and nauseously this modern day Boudicca would turn and savage every last penny from their precious investment folios, English castles and pension funds through her stormtroopers, the Banksters and Asset Stripping Managers.

Fast forward to today, we are told as one of the fun facts that the service industry will be ring fenced from any sort of Brexit. Of course it will as it this very service industry that has been earmarked to be the forward guard of the vain attempts to make a success of an In, Out or round the houses exit from the most undemocratic entity namely the EU.

You see throughout all these years of blindsiding, obfuscation and deliberate confusing of the creative crowd, the sole objective has been to cream off the most amount of gold, silver and ill gotten wealth for the few at the top of the shit pile.

The rest, well do we really care for the rest?

The swift and direct answer is NO! Always has been since time immemorial. However today Brexit gives us an illusion we shall be free and released from the pay the piper principle, be our own boss (really?) and see a whole new ocean of opportunity in  new trade partners, deals  and an amassing of a 21st century wealth provision as we have never experienced before, save in the days of Empire.

Of course Empire made a very select few humongously wealthy. That carried on for centuries culminating in an Industrial Revolution purporting to serve the masses yet at the same time using them as slave labour. Did I say we were rotten at revolution? Well those that were not were those steering the Industrial Revolution. The few with their fingers in the honey pot and between their East End whores’ legs, professing equality yet abusing as always their serf servicers and authoritarian followers.

Science and discovery made great leaps forward yet merely servicing the great unwashed with toys to keep them calm, subservient and on the production line. Innovators and creative thinkers leaped at opportunities to invent, create and with luck make themselves as rich as their mentors. If their patents and trademarks were not taken down, over and stolen into the rich deep pockets of elite chancers they could be considered lucky until the next tool of control  – the manipulated markets created yet another boom bust economic disaster/miracle.

A lie does not consist in the indirect position of words, but in the desire and intention, by false speaking, to deceive and injure your neighbour.

Jonathan Swift

As technology advanced under the now powerful military industrial complex ever more plastic and attractive ‘must haves’ had to be created to keep the masses comatose and seemingly happy with new found freedoms in choice, handhelds and ways of purchase methodologies. The Internet and a furious debt economy package was rolled out at the highest speed possible. It was so fast that people believed their next stop was Dan Dare’s new Sci Fi world or for the Millenials Star Wars and replicant freedom gifting bright futures.

The amount of money creamed off is reflected in the poster child images of Bezos, Suckerberg, Musk, Branson and their lesser sprog football mega millionaires, sport’s golden kinder and wannabe have it alls. The puppet masters like the Waltons, Soros, Clintons and their shady vile Wall Street thugs played their part as their Biggest Boss – the Bank of England owners Rothschild Cartel – ordered them to.

In the greater scheme of things mosquitoes like Brexit would serve beautifully in allowing so many eyes to be kept off the balls in the air, especially when the occasional one was dropped. It benefited the idea of global disorder, division and discord, along with an arbitrary yet significant genocidal culling necessary to create a far smaller slave task force of worker ants.

To anyone having lived through the divisive, hate fuelled and despicable rabble rousing repetitive drone billed as Brexit, i.e. most of us, nothing good will come from this treacle of treachery, this disabusing of good yet simple people.

What will come to pass is an even more solid disillusionment, a hardening of polarities and a field excellently fertilised to seed even greater dissent, growing violence and stupidity in equal portions and exponentially. These will be the foundations for their new world.

This new world will ultimately become a pyrrhic victory for centuries of preparation leading to this singular psychopathic World Order. As in nature where disease, virulent poisoning cycles are necessarily staunched, reprocessed and composted, so the cycle of the East will rise, like the rising sun. Banishing darkness of millennia it will herald in an eon of cooperation, respect for true diversity and an equality and balance not seen since pre-Sumerian days. The wheel turns between reinvention, yet learning from such millennia long experiments is never a given when factoring in the human element. The instantaneous blinding light of a nuclear winter is never far from insanity.

So battle your way through the Brexit Gate, pump up your posture allowing pomp and circumstance to flourish yet realise what you see as a new dawn to be the ever growing glow of your own self destruction. Its blast will become amplified as the EU implodes, the  absurdly bankrupt USA will have its plug pulled and that famous reset button will be coloured red

As surely as the West will fall into its own putrid puddle of hubris, sanity will rise and offer its compassionate hand from everywhere that never bought into the bullshit served at a bloated table Hogarth would have chortled at, drawn and cursed and Swift would have remarked insightfully:

“When a true genius appears, you can know him by this sign: that all the dunces are in a confederacy against him”

Your prepping has never before been more needed and imperative!


About the author:
Jonathan Trapman, author, journalist and Outsider merely carries on the work of Toto Trapman, researcher, journalist and Public Enemy No 1. to the elite forces ranged against him for his research and uncoverings.

Dreams and Realities, the introductory true story volume of the 7 book The Freedom Cycle is the opener and reveal to much of the shenanigans alluded to here.

Would you like to be a character in the next volume, Angel of Redemption?
Find out more here

Read more of my research and the story uncovering the mechanisms of global control in Dreams and Realities

Toto Trapman
: Journalist for The London Telegraph, author of several well received books include The Dog, Man’s Best Friend, The Greeks Triumphant and Straight Tips for Subs and co-founder/creator for the British Army, the Bicycle Battalions. As a researcher and investigative reporter and ex Secret Service operative,  he was responsible for uncovering hidden pathways to the Global Deep State following the global financial crash of 1929.

Memory – The Dark Art of Not Having One

Can you remember incidents in your childhood whose repercussions impacted the whole flow of your life from that moment on? Perhaps you are lucky and can. Perhaps some are even more fortunate and have learned to understand that a particular experience became so revelatory and profound as to offer an opportunity that changes a life irrevocably.

Personally, I shall reveal two of my own.

The first happened when I was nine. I was at preparatory school, boarding. Around my birthday my godfather, who happened to be one of the country’s top QCs sent me a fiver by post. I received it with joy knowing it took care of the ‘tuck and sweet’ provisions for that term. What I forgot to do was write him a thank you letter. Some weeks after an inquiry via my parents asking if I had received it OK an embarrassed child lied pretending it had never arrived. My godfather, astute and correct in all things needing clarity got the Post Office to investigate.

Of course it was soon clear I had fibbed. I was harshly scolded by my parents, ordered to write a delayed thank you note and from that moment forth I determined to be truthful in all things in as much as I could. The scars of shame I personally loaded on myself lasted many decades until such time I learned I could let go of stuff where lessons had been  learned and merely remained excess baggage.

The second incident involved following orders. In brief at school’s end at seventeen, we all were sent on a week’s cadet corps exercises on Dartmoor. One exercise involved groups of eight of us being sent on route marches across the moors with the task of mapping ourselves back to base. Myself and a fellow Band and Drums member of the Corps, a saxophonist had zero map reading skills or compass knowledge but were straight aces at reading scores.

On setting out to accomplish this day’s task our eight were deposited at a point we none of us knew, then let loose. The major problem became immediately apparent – we had been deposited in a pea souper Sherlock Holmes would have relished and the Hound of the Baskervilles cunningly hidden within. The other six decided to quit and return to base. We musicians decided to ‘carry out orders’ come hell or high water and set off blindly into said soup.

Long story short I ended up in a bog up to my neck with my compatriot, a quiet soul when not blasting the reed, standing over my pathetic and desperate figure. I cried out that this was the end and I might as well die here. I gave up big time. We were both wet, miserable and utterly lost on that moor. In a moment I will never forget this seemingly weak young lad, a Scot no less, grew metres in stature, bellowed from the very depths of his being – “Today you will not die, Jonathan you have a life ahead that others need!” With that he stepped forward, grabbed my fast disappearing arm and with the strength of Sampson pulled me from drowning. We wandered aimlessly in a rain sodden search for shelter as night drew in. We found a small wooden hide and remained there overnight. The next morning the helicopters and rescue party found us. We were summarily told off for disobeying orders, which we had not, incarcerated overnight and I for one forsook any love I might have had for the armed forces, for the injustice and lack of empathy I felt due to us both. I also took forward to this day a sworn oath to never give up, never stop until I succeeded and holding a deep respect for Nature and Her ability to deliver lessons to her weakling sprog, through means much greater than any of us can ever conceive.

Why do I relate these events?

Because today it seems we are populated with recent generations and others who have found it either impossible or inconvenient to remember the past. For those who were never around in centuries gone by and decades before it could be excusable however that can really not be our excuse. History, the true history, is a bellwether for us all to learn by.

We must learn these lessons so as to never to repeat them again” is always the hollow cry offered up by a media and thought police in full control mode. The powers that be today and always have never er been in the business for educating people, allowing them to comprehend and learn from the past let alone educate themselves. It has always been  the sop of pretend caring and learning, while dishing out a new and improved way to dull and eradicate our collective memories through ever increasing heinous means. If learning from past experiences meant anything we would not have the continual remembrances for the fallen, for wars and horrific events scattered over history, the constant Hollywood, TV and reverse reminding through mind control. As much as reminding ourselves of our prior criminal and bestial behaviours is important, the repetition by rote is far more an indoctrination creating victims and victim consciousness. The Jewish Holocaust is one such glaring example. There have been far worse holocausts, today and yesteryear yet we are indoctrinated and legally forced many places to hold this one event as the ‘one and only’ to remember and respect with zero enquiry. Through placing the Jewish experience at centre stage it forces through intimidation, lying and stigmatising that there is only one entity that suffers and they are the Jews. This particular example not only crucifies the Jewish identity and reality it more potently allows the Zionist manipulators to curry credence from a particular culture and faith that they have zero party to, But therein lies the control and the big lie.

They know well that knowledge is far more powerful than weapons. If in the Jewish Holocaust story we dig deeper and find some uncomfortable facts within the real story, it destroys the fabricated myth spun. Knowledge and true historical research gives many the tools to fight and overcome the controlling few. It will be found, in a just world and one that seeks growth over controlling the masses, that educating and informing  past errors, tragedies and inane stupidity of our forebears that a people learn to truly refuse to make the same mistakes and grow.

We do not live in a just world. We fantasise about our so called freedoms, we raise these puffball visions up as fact ignoring totally the suppression of freedom meted out on us all as progress and parity.

Neoliberalim, special interests touted as the downtrodden take real inequality, mix it with an absolute destroy it or death mentality and fuel instant outrage. Crises are manufactured to take away assets of being now contrary to control and submissive behaviour. Encouraged by the controllers, showering deep emotional division through media blasted ‘rights’ rants, divisive ‘them and us’ scenarios and fear based nonsense it suits and feeds their disorder ploys and chaos founded plans.

The absolutism riven through such movements as the LGBTQ movement, the hate promoters of whatever colour and variety, the anger sowers and social media protagonists for sodomy, sexual liberation, bat shit political ignorant stances and general chaos coordinators are and always have used, if we only saw it, these now well crafted means to dissemble, distract and dissuade opposition of meaning and legitimacy. The very entities persuading weak political puppets to legislate laws criminalising contrary opinions and thoughts of what did or did not transpire in the past or are presently presented, have been perfectly transparent methods used by every fascist and totalitarian regime in history.

Where we have no experiential memory and are sown historical lies and fantasies, sifted truth and untruth into the recipe for education and informational access, we have the fertile grounds for rewriting history. Where dissent is made illegal, where covert and overt means are created to mass stigmatise minorities who truth tell, we have the worst of human activity.

None of us living have ever experienced anything history tells us happened. We have hand me down subjective accounts from our parents, associates and grandparents’ times. Each of these as we know are subject to personal colouring, no matter how ethical or unethical. We have documents, images and writings where much is taken as fact, as much as much also is used specifically as propagandised mind control.

Unless we have minds able to use critical thought, proper research and ethical enquiry with as little interference from outside parties and emotional blackmail, we will always get what is commonly termed the Victors’ History, the same old perpetrations of lies, damn lies and statistics!

Cultivating generations devoid of these assets, reliant on third party, often virtual twisted resources, deliberately skewed accounts, descriptions, we end up with human beings devoid of everything needed to be a discriminating, knowledge seeking, enquiring and able to commit to discourse and conversation that could foster growth in mind and comprehension. The very Fake News as touted to exist in areas of dissent and difference is the very tool used to foster such nonsense.

We cannot at this stage go back in history to witness the truth of what went on. As and when we might be able even that can be tampered with, so becoming wise before these events would aid greatly. All we realistically have is the here and now, our own experiences present and past. Until we can look at these with clarity, honesty and a willingness to be open to change, I see no change except for the worsening.

Cognitive dissonance, refusal to budge, intransigence and simple bloody minded stupidity is not going to make the cut into a wiser and more aware world. Self knowledge is everything. Constant asking more questions with an honest desire to know more is an imperative.

Those organs and people who presently recognise these truths and practice them are the present day heretics. Remember as Voltaire is attributed to have said;

“To find out who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”

We must all, so many more than presently, become heretics, become the Outsiders. We must cultivate our own garden, as Voltaire’s Candide famously advised.

“He, Cunégonde, and his friends decide to follow it, and everyone is satisfied by hard work in the garden. Pangloss suggests to Candide once again that this is the best of things in all possible worlds. Candide responds, “That is very well put . . . but we must cultivate our own garden.”

What he means by this is we need to attend to our own improvement, our own development of an objective, truly clear mind and being before we can even begin to look to a better community and global mental and physical horticulture of feeding minds, bodies and spirit.

This path is the razor’s edge, the tricky and trickster filled avenue. It will signpost many redirections, many dead ends. Some good some bad and many terrible depending the choices we individually take. Yet journey’s end, which itself is a myth, is only visioned and set out when commitment is made to uphold the natural impulses we all have in common – compassion, tolerance, patience, empathy and loving kindness. When these are highlighted, actioned and utilised as the indivisible assets of our growth personal and collective, then we will remember so much more and grow magnificently.


About the author:
Jonathan Trapman, author, journalist and Outsider merely carries on the work of Toto Trapman, researcher, journalist and Public Enemy No 1. to the elite forces ranged against him for his research and uncoverings.

Dreams and Realities, the introductory true story volume of the 7 book The Freedom Cycle is the opener and reveal to much of the shenanigans alluded to here.

Would you like to be a character in the next volume, Angel of Redemption?
Find out more here


Read more of my research and the story uncovering the mechanisms of global control in Dreams and Realities

Toto Trapman
: Journalist for The London Telegraph, author of several well received books include The Dog, Man’s Best Friend, The Greeks Triumphant and Straight Tips for Subs and co-founder/creator for the British Army, the Bicycle Battalions. As a researcher and investigative reporter and ex Secret Service operative,  he was responsible for uncovering hidden pathways to the Global Deep State following the global financial crash of 1929.

The Trick of Control on Uncritical Minds

To the critically minded it comes as no revelation the war continually waging on the uncritical mind has reached overt and psychopathic proportions. If anyone is in any doubt of these truths they are, have been and will continue to be manipulated. I hold out very little hope these people will either live long, taste freedom and/or experience any sort of justice, change or development of betterment they might already or at some future time crave.

This was is as old and older than any living soul on the planet. It transcends all wars physically wrought on our peoples. It has been the cog enabling all sorts of diverse diversionary tactics, most all of any and every collision of culture, creed and belief structures. The very nature of difference, in the wrong hands, is food and succor towards an agenda of control, manipulation and swingeing power grab.

Quite likely those reading this far, which I congratulate for their persistence, will most likely have and hold up their pet objects of division, derision and battle ground illustrating the iniquity and inequity raging around us. Those who gave up reading this far already have their “can’t be bothered” switch on FULL ON mode. That switch is a prime and obvious example of how manipulated, controlled and contained mental faculties of discrimination, discussion and open debate have been corralled.

How and what constitutes this powerful control and mechanism is an ongoing discussion, so much so as to be interfered with by the very control discussed. You see the more we debate the precise orientation, make up and constituent parts of this highly ever morphing beast, the more we get redirected. QED our eye is taken off the ball. Game won by those playing us.

So are we to stop investigating who precisely is ‘in control’?

Yes and No!

The question we must ask ourselves is – are we ever going to know for sure who and what it is, this control entity? Another question – Are we in a position with our very limited individual knowledge able to even begin to decipher such a complex web? A far more relevant question we can ask ourselves – if I stopped delving into an endless black hole of riddles, purposeful reroutes and diversions would that help what I personally can do and how I myself, the only real entity I have an opportunity to fully know and control, can begin to help towards meaningful change and betterment?

I hear a loud cry of – “We have to expose the bastards who create inequality, suffering, disease and death.” I would have no problem agreeing with that yet how long or feasible would it be to bash a million year old rock with a plastic hammer hoping for it to shatter? For our individual attempts are as futile a solution as that exercise. There has to be a better way and it is stored in numbers, self inquiry and growing of our critical faculties.

Are we ever going to know the hydra?

Simple answer is no, yet knowledge of some or many of its tentacles we can quite apparently recognise and pursue. To each their own, the subject tentacles can be chased down, exposed and pestered. Some may say “it is the Bankers” others “The AngloZionist cabal” and still more “The Elite 1%” and so forth.

If we accept the fact we carry a very limited knowledge base useful for exposure, even with the Internet and our connectivity, then a targeted local, national and international approach to the sum of parts is a great way. Such collective efforts by way of petitions, group gatherings and that eponymous ‘awareness campaigns’ all help. Yet within any and each of these actions lies the invidious infiltration of the perpetrators’ forces of authoritarian followers, trolls and disinformation specialists. They target the emotional body, move to the mental body and score their winning blows on a mind weak enough to give in, give way and be as easily swayed as a willow sapling in a hurricane.

It has always been so. In prior eras the knowledge of self development, mental strength and critical appraisal was the terrain of the secret societies, the underground mind craft never publicly aired yet practised in secret. For those using this knowledge for control over others, like church, cabal and state, it went deep, dark and available to only those initiated into their cult. The level of induction has always been the controlling element. Need to know and division itself power tools withing it. For others who used it as the known power to challenge and battle such dark usage it too remained and remains to a greater extent a secret only divulged when an individual’s self work has grown mentally and proven intent to live truly as an ethical human ‘being’.

Some may call this the battle of good over evil. That description in itself can be equally used as a divisive tool, misunderstood on the superficial level as the black and white Problem, Reaction, Solution. Without developing suitable objectivity  the individual blinds itself to the whole spectrum that is experience, and outcome where these simplistic understandings will be grasped, used as foundation and the subsequent chaos will continue its inevitable journey, just as the Ouroberos, disappearing up its own backside. Even this symbol of self destruction was interpreted by those that ‘saw’ as the inevitable actions leading to self knowledge. It is the ridding oneself of all attachment to ‘self’ that transforms the way to awareness and self empowerment in life. To those working superficially their interpretation inevitably interprets this devouring as self destruction and a pitiful end to be avoided.

The web of life is at once a capturing web at the same time a most complex journey anyone  undertakes. That most of us discard the journey through handing our power and decision making over to others whose intent is selfish and slave creating can only rest in choice and responsibility, no matter how easy it becomes to blame others. To those wise enough to recognise true power and freedom is in developing our own self, all our critical faculties and facing down those pitching themselves as controllers and lords of power, the battles will be by their very nature bloody, life threatening and supremely challenging.

Thus to the inevitable question – “How then can we fight the Military Industrial Complex, the psychopathic power merchants, the puppet politicos bowing low and exposing their private parts to their masters and dealing with the daily injustice of debt economies, duplicitous regimes and controlling self ingratiating corporate entities ruling our lives, stripping our choices?”

The answer is for many a hard and ultimately an impossible one – too much is asked to be sacrificed. Develop backbones, throw victim consciousness in every form into the fire, stand up, speak truth, never accept division, self created or imposed from others and unite under what makes us all unique – our differences, complexities and similarities. Habits are the hardest things to break, yet smash those that hold us in thrall we absolutely must. Until we individually change towards our better self, nothing changes, it merely dresses differently, plays charades with our minds, molds our thinking into a place we feel comfortable with, reassured by and then further manipulated. Discomfort is the key to change, the key to release.

If it ends up the human entity is unable to work itself out of rigid structures it has itself allowed creative form, then inevitably the strongest among us will deal a deadly and curative blow to reset, redistribute or annihilate. It might be exciting or horrifying to believe that to come from human or subhuman entities striking such blows but it is imperative to always remember that which is the most powerful, has the longevity to be neither bothered nor concerned.

Nature herself. So work with her or perish is the short and long of it! How you do that is your responsibility and your challenge!

About the author:
Jonathan Trapman, author, journalist and Outsider merely carries on the work of Toto Trapman, researcher, journalist and Public Enemy No 1. to the elite forces ranged against him for his research and uncoverings.

Dreams and Realities, the introductory true story volume of the 7 book The Freedom Cycle is the opener and reveal to much of the shenanigans alluded to here.

Would you like to be a character in the next volume, Angel of Redemption?
Find out more here


Read more of my research and the story uncovering the mechanisms of global control in Dreams and Realities

Toto Trapman
: Journalist for The London Telegraph, author of several well received books include The Dog, Man’s Best Friend, The Greeks Triumphant and Straight Tips for Subs and co-founder/creator for the British Army, the Bicycle Battalions. As a researcher and investigative reporter and ex Secret Service operative,  he was responsible for uncovering hidden pathways to the Global Deep State following the global financial crash of 1929.



When the Defunct Farts Just Before Dawn

As a fit for purpose organisation NATOthe North Atlantic Treaty Organisation – is a busted flush. Yet over its decaying years it has been reanimated as the buffer, threat, offensive weapon or crude slot machine for profit (choose your definition) for the Master Shit Stirrers behind it all.

Today Russia, China, Iran and several other enlightened players on the global stage have proven another way is possible. Empires come and go and the US Empire is by no means an exception to that no matter how exceptional they are told they are.

A multipolar world is the reality humanity will always thrive under. One world respecting each others’ differences, beauty, cultures and creative drives and input. A collective global family celebrating its multifaceted differences.

Some might argue while we have secret and not so secret cabals running the circus these aspirations will always remain dreams yet never form a true and trusted reality.

Others will argue this sort of defeatism is the very reason for their continued existence.

So which direction are we best heading? Is being right the next best thing or does pragmatism play the devil’s advocate and guide a slow but sure process out of the morass we have willingly duped ourselves into?

Because truth be told we will ourselves the same old, same old every time we argue, pick our petty battles against those as ignorant as us as we pretend full spectrum knowledge of the whys, wherefores and answers.

Yet all the time most seem incapable of recognising when they are played rotten to a tune that the ‘haves‘ have held in their sway for millennia. The only difference today are the tools of massive manipulation they play with, while at the same time offering us a part just as the bread and circuses did in Roman times and beyond. They cosy us with assumed personal power and choice when all the time these chimera are merely sops offered like vinegar to the gladiators of the ancient arenas, to quench our thirst for truth righteousness and fair play.

NATO, its bombast, its chest beating dragon of paper and vast expense is just yet one more example today of the repulsive waste and deception played. Each vassal state, for that is what they all are, is asked to divvy up more money while the Pentagon on its stringent budgeting spends $1.2 K on each coffee cup and $10K per toilet seat in its drive to create austerity in its multi trillion spending account. It is eye wateringly un-effing-believable, yet we meekly let these horrors float by like untouchable turds in an open sewer.

We meekly blink and wonder how we allowed ourselves to vote in the Tories, the latest coloured One Party USA or allow the unelected detritus that is the EU walk all over us with feet steeped in the poo of power.

The Hail Mary glory of social media both sanitises, supposedly morphs into a Fake News Controlled environment  as well as supplies enough distractions to zombie idiots who play their ‘turn-your-head-away‘ games to make us forget the travesties they ply. The media mainstream pretends to us they are the caring, investigative arm of our power while all the time programming the weak minds into candy floss comfort zones of acceptance of their kindness that kills.

I could now open up the illegal wars account but its already high summer, the silly season is nigh upon us and we are gearing up  for the next atrocious attrition foisted on our addled minds. Way to go August, what trivial bestiality are you about to surprise us with? New Novichok High grade potent poo? Worse organised propagandised terror absurdities to make us all hate and fear the fake terror we are told?

Ready and willing to believe the effluent they will be pouring out, we shall bury our heads in our hands, wring them white and tell ourselves “How terrible!, how terrible”. Yet will we do anything other than what good law abiding slaves have done over eons? The answer will be blindingly obvious:


So keep to the safety of the cave and the cinema playing on the wall as our suggested reality while the few of us who could not care one fig for falsehoods have stood up long ago, turned to the light and exited shouting “Enough, you atrocious Beasts of Evil Incarnate”  exposing as best we can the lies, deceit and pure evil foisted on the rest.

The Outsiders have had enough. We have fought for right, justice and the way of true humanity for millennia. No matter how many of us die in the line of duty it will go on and on.

Nature has a glorious way of keeping us together and joining rightful rebellion. Putting Her 10 million cents in by way of natural readjustment, She is our vanguard in spite of Global Warming lies and deception that will never admit Her Universal change plan is the major player as we humans flies piss and poo on our earthly paradise. We shall not await that alone because we are so much a part of Her it is our responsibility to respect Her way, Her interdependency and our utter responsibility to Her and our bejewelled blue marble.

As for NATO, it can go the way of all defunct models – To the scrapheap, farting or not, it matters not!


About the author:
Jonathan Trapman, author, journalist and Outsider merely carries on the work of Toto Trapman, researcher, journalist and Public Enemy No 1. to the elite forces ranged against him for his research

Dreams and Realities, the introductory true story volume of the 7 book The Freedom Cycle is the opener and revealer to much of the shennanigans alluded to here.


Read more of my research and the story uncovering the mechanisms of global control in Dreams and Realities

Toto Trapman
: Journalist for The London Telegraph, author of several well received books include The Dog, Man’s Best Friend, The Greeks Triumphant and Straight Tips for Subs and co-founder/creator for the British Army, the Bicycle Battalions. As a researcher and investigative reporter and ex Secret Service operative,  he was responsible for uncovering hidden pathways to the Global Deep State following the global financial crash of 1929.