Inglorious Genocide – The Ongoing British Shame

In the trenches of the Somme, the horrors of Passchendaele, the Spring and Hundred Day Offensives were but a few of the incalculable travesties describing and demarcating the horror that was the First World War. That the British elite were utterly responsible for such carnage is one of the most unreported facts pointing to known genocide of its own and other people.

When I met and discussed with Winston Churchill a decade after this travesty of a war had ended, he confided in me how it was, in the greater scheme of things, all worthwhile. That the traitor Balfour had promised in 1917 a deal with the Rothschilds and their Zionist criminals to make sure Palestine was made over to them at a suitable time in the future was horrendous enough.

Few people realise that all that began at a time a year earlier where England was marked down to lose the war against Germany. My sister, who lived and was close to the Royal household, on account of her marriage to the Kaiser’s great friend, often recounted how miserably their (the Kaiser’s) British cousins had refused to stop the nonsense that had ignited this inter family war.

So when Rothschild proposed that they alone were able to turn things around and allow the British to gain the winning hand by persuading the Americans to join the fight, the trade for Palestine and the treacherous Balfour Declaration was sealed. It was that all deaths after these events now became blood on the hands of the British alone. It was this that Churchill declared was a price worth paying!

Genocide has been the mark of every Empire. Yet when it comes to numbers the British excel in this dark and foul statistic. Again we come to the great hero of the British again for adding another truly horrifying number of killings to the Empire tally. This was the deaths ordered by Churchill himself in India, when refusing aid to their plight.

During my Army days I spent some time there and found the Indians to be the most wonderful and charming peoples. Yet Churchill saw them as ‘vermin’, undeserving of support and aid in a time of deep crisis suffered in 1943. He would rather see them expunged than aid those giving their lives for his war effort. A tally of up to three million souls perished in the famine of ’43.

It would be but a few years later when the terrorists who stormed the St David’s Hotel, forcing their criminal State of Israel into existence, were handed the keys to continue what their benefactors had been doing for centuries, in Palestine. Those that gifted part of their Empire in exchange for the lives of millions, would one day be witness to these bastard students of their evil game, do just that on the indigenous Arabs and Palestinians.

When I was posted into the Balkan Wars at the turn of the century, an embedded war correspondent with the Greeks, I witnessed barbaric acts the Turks committed on their Greek adversaries. That war was a filthy example of support by the British and one in a long line that made me throw in my commission and begin to use my pen as sword against the horrors, not only of war but injustice and criminal genocide the British excelled in.

Back when the North American lands were invaded by the British crown and other European states, prior to the efforts of independence and my forebear’s winning gift, the gradual genocide of the rightful inhabitants had begun. The disdain the invaders had for those whose lands it was, became no different to any of their actions they committed and sanctioned in other parts of empire.

The Crown, its fellow cohorts, bankers, church and elite would grow, cover and celebrsate a dark veil over the earth during its centuries of ascendancy and dominion.

My research leading on from the original intention to reclaim millions owed through my forebear’s now installed gift as debt has discovered the darkest side of humanity breeding in festering evil incubators fed on genocide, extermination and the pursuit of total control by this force.

From my present lofty view of all things present day I see the British have continued their partnership in genocide exporting its blood stained heritage through Bolshevik times, I witnessed,  to their very own genocide of the people of Dresden and that ghastly ‘Bomber’ Harris with his firebombing plannig to wipe the German race off the map.

So in 2017, the centenary of that fateful contract Balfour signed we have the British as main contractors supplying their Saudi ‘proxy armies’ with the devastating means to wipe out the Yemeni people from the face of the Middle East. One has to ask the question:

“When is enough blood and lives spent before humanity awakens from its costly slumber of closed ears and eyes?”

I fear, as much as I spent all my well honed skills and energies of research in uncovering unpalatable truths way back, we shall continue to witness this inhumanity man inflicts on his fellows in pursuit of arrogant, selfish and psychopathic ends.

The cancer of killing can only be stopped when enough of us decide to no longer buy into the supremacy and endgame that presently reigns.

It is well past time Empire falls yet the task demands action from one and all.

Will it be by our own wise hand or left to divine intervention and Nature herself?
Read more of my research and the story of uncovering the mechanisms of global control in Dreams and Realities

Capt AH Trapman
: aka Toto, has been a journalist for The London Telegraph, author of several well received books include The Dog, Man’s Best Friend, The Greeks Triumphant and Straight Tips for Subs and co-founder/creator for the British Army, the Bicycle Battalions. As a researcher and investigative reporter he was responsible for uncovering hidden pathways to the Global Deep State following the global financial crash of 1929.

Weaponized Political Correctness – Civilization Doomed

Mahatma Gandhi was once asked about Western civilization:
Journalist: What do you think of Western civilization?
Gandhi: I think it would be a good idea.

On the rocky road to civilization one of the founding tenets is respect, another would be tolerance. Yet a third would have to be loving kindness. A fourth most important of all would be Common Sense. I am sure, dear reader you can conjure up many more.

One vast barb masquerading as aspects of these is Political Correctness. Its insidious mind numbing insistence to be observed is no more than control of speech, thinking and expression. Fascism pure and simple. Though so called liberals among us would fiercely challenge this statement, its veracity is proven daily to be so. When it comes to loving kindness and tolerance there is no more virulent demonstration of their antithesis than those screaming foul at expressive, precise and eloquent speech not adhering to their own interpretation of how we should all speak.

Whatever happened to “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me”?

What happened is a society hell bent on being persuaded persecution is rife. Intolerance is flooding every orifice and social scene we know. In answer to that I freely admit there are inhuman levels of intolerance, there is a global platform, the Internet, with an ability to spout off all sorts of invective, hurt and foul language and our base actions have now infiltrated our language as viciously as the bullet invades the body. Yet interaction, communication and discussion have been like that since we learned to grunt approval or disapproval.

There is a huge hole, a terrific failing to point to the causes of expansion in such practices of foul mouthing and viciousness. The trouble is, it resides in the very organs that preach, scream foul and themselves propagate such practices as appropriate. The Mainstream media, celebrity, political power brokers, entertainment organs… the list is endless.

These figures of so called mentorship and example place themselves on platforms of sobriety and best practice while f*ing and blinding misogynistic, racist rants, engaging in sexual atrocities and covering up their actions of genocide, sexism and excremental life practices. We hear only the rare bleat of objection, comparatively, while the wholesale slave trade and abuse of our non Caucasian members of the global family are used abused and otherwise pilloried metaphorically and physically for hundreds of years. Meanwhile the Caucasian sheep are pilloried, ridiculed and set upon like no other from these very pillars of establishment. The chasm  between word and action is illustratively huge.

Civilizing, like respect, has to be earned through action not edict. The rape of another land, others’ sovereignty contains no civilizing factors, quite the opposite. The squeals of the little authoritarian piglet followers of such practitioners is barbarian at best, inhuman and ignorant at worst.

Yet daily we are exhorted to call a spade an instrument of discovery, a fellow human being a neutral gendered participant in cohabitation. The list is endless and so abusive of common sense language and interpretation as to destroy any meaningful descriptor of what it is to be human. It is fundamentally a sharp weapon of dehumanizing the act of being human. Like bleach it destroys common sense, accentuates methods of control and is the least civilizing method towards sanity and discernment.

In truth we have such a hugely long way to go if we choose the path of controlled division. Until we can look our fellow human brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, grandparents in the eye and see the very same pulsing humanity no matter what individual or collective traits they present we shall be forever in the grossest stage of barbarism traveling in concentric circles until we, like the Ouroboros disappear up our own a*hole.

A fitting end to a species hell bent on self extinction!

Read more of my research and the story of uncovering the mechanisms of global control in Dreams and Realities

Capt AH Trapman
: aka Toto, has been a journalist for The London Telegraph, author of several well received books include The Dog, Man’s Best Friend, The Greeks Triumphant and Straight Tips for Subs and co-founder/creator for the British Army, the Bicycle Battalions. As a researcher and investigative reporter he was responsible for uncovering hidden pathways to the Global Deep State following the global financial crash of 1929.

The Eagle has Fallen – Right on Cue

Taken from – Author Jonathan Trapman ©2017:

Division, division, division. Yada, yada, yada! Shock horror! The Second US Civil War is in full swing. Swipes at diversionary behavior with sanctions against Russia, Iran and North Korea. The (virtually) whole of Congress throws the Sanction Button switch to order. The Janus inspired two faces of Trump obeys the “Throw everyone into confusion” order coming from behind the curtain of control.

If this was Hollywood the thumbs down from critical appraisal would sink this film script before it got ten minutes into the matinee performance on the first day. Yet it is festering, fermented and flagged by the voice-box – aka – The Mainstream Media, like some broken record on crystal meth.

To that growing section of the Western world’s population caring for signs and portents this is not unexpected and more poignantly, really bad news for the next phase.

‘Why?’ you may ask.

Because with the transparency that is the hallmark of arrogant grandstanding, those  pulling the strings in this worsening theater piece have so little care for outcome and every intention for their own glory, even if that glory needed garnering from an underground bunker.

Lapping at the puppet masters’ every order are so many quisling yes guys in political high office, self serving corporate self interest and minions blindly following in the belief rewards follow like sweeties at the ‘tuck shop’ counter. Psychopaths and psychos in process all of them!

The pronouncements uttered and political suicide pills DC seem hell bent on taking have a sick familiarity to them and many ‘I told you so‘ echoes to them.

Truth be told, again: America has been carved out over many decades to fall on the sword of its own arrogant sense of great self, albeit unwittingly. It was set up in modern times through the manipulated Crash of 1929. So few have any idea of how much of a canary in the mine-shaft this event was. It was always taken as a huge economic disaster so many never saw coming. Yet for those uncovering the form, it had terminal written all over it.

That is the point – ignorance of true intent, true goings on – will always produce an intake of collective breath and horror at the seeming impossible transpiring. Think Titanic, World Wars I, II and III, the death of John Lennon, Patrice Lumumba, Gandhi and so much more.

World War III? It has not happened yet!

For those thinking thus, I rest my case.

Like a nail beaten forcibly and definitively into wood, America is being driven into the ground to become as the dust of 9/11 – set up, toxic, destroyed of all later evidence for forensic study and made to look completely unexpected. Though frankly for a nation so desensitized, disbelieving of its own self created demise you could forgive them for thinking so. Yet this sort of reaction is so far from reality as to be a perfect contender for one of their saccharin sweet, nauseatingly self adulatory Hollywood scripts with full cast clapping at the denouement!

The isolation the USA –  or being more factually correct – those in DC, within the Beltway and treasonous military interests, both client and supplier – is self created. They are marching to orders from forces who have taken over the established ruling order like cuckoos taking over the nest of an unsuspecting mother bird.

The destruction of the USA was preordained and that plan, through the blind self interest and utter stupidity of those sealing their collective fate, is right on cue and perfectly and symmetrically balanced.

Some might scream Russia, China and other smaller players are running this show. For your own sanity and for fear of being declared 100% blind deaf and dumb do not go there.

For those that have taken the poison the MSM spew out, like good pharma-crazed zombies, the fact it has nothing to do with these so called ‘enemies’ will seem illogical, unbelievable and so conspiratorial as to be rejected outright. If that is the case then be warned you have just signed your own death warrant!

For whatever comfort it offers, had both Russia, China and Iran not been as they stand today we’d be breathing already the deadly soup of apocalyptic fallout. It may merely still be  postponed, so count not your chickens quite yet.

What is obvious is that these three players were never expected to go this distance, with this amount of restraint and resistance. The miscalculation was as great and as admissible when we hear, just the other day, the head of the Rothschild cabal proclaim they have little idea of what the heck is going to happen next.

For two reasons, at least, this is a good sign. One, because not having any real planned idea of what happens next gives time for those sane enough to maintain a step ahead, keep their powder dry and outwit a force so long in total control. Secondly, these powers of control are not, as often is credited, entities of omnipotence and far sighted wisdom. Quite the opposite, their reactions almost always fall down into knee jerk mode making mistakes no one could have foreseen. This sort of positioning has and always will be the Achilles heel of psychopaths, moneyed or otherwise.

So for now, may I suggest you gather your personal powder, keep it dry, ditch fiat above any amount needed to meet the requirements of a system you interact with and watch for arrogance and overarching stupidity to crash into its own nemesis-filled end, most probably sooner than later.

In all of this, never fall for fear, just watch with engagement, keep others informed, supported and critically thinking, maintain non attachment and hold deep gratitude for being born to witness these most interesting of times. We all die one day, just make sure today is the very best of all days gifted you.  Thus the sweet juices of experience can be memorably etched deep into your very own Akashic phrase in the book of no rubbing out!

Once the Eagle has fallen, that is when the Phoenix will know and be invited to rise…..


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Up Your Self Created Sh*t Creek

The Plan was simple laid out in front of the very select elite invited to be party to the Grand Plan. A gentle decades long transition towards a Unipolar, Total Control of a world according to psychopaths and madmen. Within their bubble it was eminently feasible as well as plausible. Working through stratagems, planned events, wars and disasters various, would always arrive at the goal.

If, God forbid all went arse up boltholes developed were on standby, safety assured and to hell with the fallout for the general public. This was most certainly a game plan holding every conceivable upside. Hiccups were costed merely for insurance purposes, catered for with odd rebellious groups, if not harnessed then brought over,and easily neutralized. Larger body counts were acceptable on the map of intended consequences.

What most definitely were not conceived were pesky unintended consequences. You see, when arrogance and operation from self made bubbles become the glue holding a plan together, why any need to consider the unintended. It can always be bought off, rubbed out or otherwise liquidated.

Such operations hitting head on reality in a world, albeit as controlled as it is, inevitably suffers the hubris of blind belief and repercussions of natural order.

Around the world we witness the constant playing out of such moments. The Empire of Present Moment, the corporate US DC, UK’s City of London and Vatican puppets fronting an illusory yet simultaneously real monster – the Power of Money.

Since this monster can so easily be formulated to become absolute necessity at the same time as strutting its absolute demagoguery, in the hands of the magic money machine operators it can be  formulated brilliantly to take on any shape, form or potency desired. Mass media, the front line controller of minds spin distraction after distraction to cover the magic performed.

We are informed there’s too much debt, we’re coerced into plagues of austerity, lack and suffering. To make the trick look warm and homely we’re asked to treat this National Deception as if its twin was our own household balancing budget. We are persuaded thus to believe debt created out of nothing is our responsibility and worthy of our collective guilt trip and subsequent pain.

When those sensing then exposing this huge con trick begin to dig into the debt/credit three card trick then such exposure of accumulated lies fed ongoing generations are labeled using the usual demonizing epithet – Conspiracy Theorists. That is supposed to stop any revolutionary thinking dead! Trouble is it never does, the lies can never be so easily contained.

But until each and every one of us stop and truly question what the heck all this so called debt is and where it comes from, we can never break their magic trick. Many assure themselves we have to pay, we have to reduce our debt and we have to remain in a system as old as money itself. The so called experts assure us the banks lend certain accumulative equations of any money deposited – usually for every £1 they can lend 9 extra pounds. Even this is utter BS and old wives’ tales fed by Threadneedle Street and its ilk!

To exaggerate and interestingly expose these lies recently we have seen the Tories in the UK produce from the Magic Money Tree a billion and half pounds to retain their ticket of governance. In the US we see so many trillions of dollars oiling the military industrial machine with losses of trillions into black holes, unaccounted, seeming to pass muster of the kind – “Oops, now I did not see that going, let alone coming!” Figures too eye watering and large for the general Mom and Pop to even envisage. But then that is the whole object of such sleight of hand.

Money is no more than a belief system. The longer we believe in it as solid, actual and real it will reign its tyranny over us.

Ask the question – Who creates the money?

It has never been an organic produce. It is a fictional transaction tool created by the Money Men and distributed through a population educated to accept it has worth as transactional meaningfulness. Such worth through manipulated debt and credit, the infamous double entry bookkeeping system of accountability is controlled by proclamation from said Money Men.

Some may rail against them, dressed in whatever garb – Rothschild, oligarchs, secret societies, cabals, elite trillionaire/billionaire individuals or Central Banks. These same selected bad guys become the butt of collective anger, yet this in itself never solves or evolves the problem, does it? Just keeps us all envious, mad, jealous and very, very angry. In that place we are contained and targeted. Because we never decide to leave the system, for fear of our ongoing survival we create our own Sh*t Creek without paddle.

Previously when the whole magic has lost its shine and viability, war was created. Contrary to nit picking all wars are the solution to clearing the stables of too much clogging dung. Human cost, collateral damage, was never a factor in the prosecuting this solution. The fact is, no matter how much so called money (fiat) is needed, it magically reappears once hostilities are resolved (call that ordered to stop), economies through austerity and managed growth feeding infrastructural revival, set in motion a reinvigorated process. Like Spring, new buds form, dreams of better years ahead are envisioned and hope renewed through use of the old leather.

Of course it would be remiss to not point out the elite sector always gains from such motion. They set it up that way. Wars never change that paradigm, merely enable its rebirth. The sectors growing fat off such actions can be predicted as night follows day. Largesse is spread specifically through a very conscious filter system. Trickle becomes merely the panacea promoted as reason for the rich to get richer. No dispute otherwise the system will fail again

I am no economist, I have to admit yet I see transparently the lie foisted on the multitude. The difference is I do not buy into it on any level.

What most interests me is seeking solutions. These solutions are found in breaking fully a broke system, refashioning it not in the described way sold as democratic, nor in any communistic form. It must entail redistribution of what is laughingly called wealth. To redistribute needs comprehensive understanding of what it is in all its constituent parts. The money side is merely a small part of that. Wealth as we are so often told resides most importantly in our own body. I would add most specifically also in our mind.

As with sickness, the cure must include a change of mindset. When the Jesuits proclaimed “Give me a child for its first seven years and we have it for life” they knew how once indoctrinated an individual is under sway until broken out of their possession to order, direct and control.

Having been so deeply inculcated believing money is the fuel driving our success or failure only an evolution in thinking towards a more liberating life view and interaction will clear this fog.

“When we don’t understand a process we fall into magical thinking about results” – Jef Raskin

Economics is for most a dry and boring subject. Finances are mostly viewed in this light – “Have I got enough to pay the rent, feed the family and live long enough to repeat that pattern endlessly till the day I die?”

Joy, delight, the lightness of being, love, friendship and caring are felt to be ill afforded attention unless we have these basics met. Yet the constant supply and deny baiting rarely affords physical change. What does create it is a change of mindset. For the lucky ones who have hit rock bottom and decided/are forced to change approach from thereon in, subsequently rearrange and discover their personal value systems and their right order. When that happens an altogether new horizon starts to form. For those treading the same old path nothing changes  often ushering in depression, anxiety and finally suicide.

Imagine, if money can so easily be found to finance wars, endless divisive defense and offense machinations, the funding of division among people  aiding multiple distractions, then why cannot the financial monster be tamed, funding basic levels of equality for each and every one without the necessity for belligerence?

It would mean taking the 1% out of top slot, right? Demanding the financial sectors be slimmed and trimmed to service, not control the whole, which presently is the norm. Have our governments create and use money for infrastructure, social good, basic healthy lives supporting a desire to pursue passion and creative endeavor for the individual as part of the whole.

Rather than exhaustively blaming this faction or that, pointing out the bloody obvious of who holds the purse strings and cussing them, why not enact a path of solutions where it has the greatest effect – in personal action and responsibility, local cooperation and using all the power of inter connectivity bringing others up to speed and offering solutions doable from where each of us are at and each of us are able to offer our part in the overall solution of equitable life.

The present system promoted does not wish for us all to be a force for change and better. Therefore it is imperative we address greed on every level, believe our every and each effort will change the present, determine selfishness, our own especially is detrimental to such change and most importantly withdraw our support in every way we can from those that wish to persuade and continue the present repression.

Systemic crashes are not what will heal. Evolution of perspective, will and mind is the path towards cure. One ingredient absolutely imperative is cooperation. Cooperation on every conceivable level takes out much feared loss of supply. Cooperative support in family, community and society always looks after its own. Separation, division and enmity on whatever scale will always destroy.

Turning Sh*t Creek into a beautiful lagoon and furnishing every navigator with their paddle of profusion is eminently possible. Working towards it requires work, lots of it. The rewards are something rarely experienced by many, yet awaiting our will and collective support and desire to reach these shores.

Whatever we end up with as currency in this more equitable and sustainable future will only be fashioned by desire and intent for such collective goals. No master is needed to make this a reality, just the mastery of self.

Useful and inspiring reference here:
Renegade Inc – Can we avoid another financial crisis?

A real start at creating solutions from Prof. Steve Keen

Read more of my research and the story of uncovering the mechanisms of global control in Dreams and Realities

Capt AH Trapman
: aka Toto, has been a journalist for The London Telegraph, author of several well received books include The Dog, Man’s Best Friend, The Greeks Triumphant and Straight Tips for Subs and co-founder/creator for the British Army, the Bicycle Battalions. As a researcher and investigative reporter he was responsible for uncovering hidden pathways to the Global Deep State following the global financial crash of 1929.

Psychopaths and Terrorists – Core Cogs in the Western Wheel

It seems to be obvious most people living in the West are either inexplicably unaware of psychopathy in power or are too lazy to realize their lives are one premeditated march to concentration camps of either total servitude or annihilation. In the days before mass mind control became a global science, it was easy to be persuaded “Nazi Baddies” committed by far the worst crimes against humanity or Ghengis Khan was the scourge of the medieval world, to take but two examples.

Back then these events in their own ways, were masterfully manipulated to project an image of diabolical genocide on innocents, generational targeted cultures and anyone else serving as political emotional power triggers for labeling crimes against humanity. You might be persuaded to believe there was a master plan by those controlling the narrative to build a better world for all to live in. Many did just that and allowed a trenchant, maniacal lust for power and absolute control to be forged.

It was done so within a contextual language, among other means,  parrying and avoiding the reality committed. Killing innocent people becomes collateral damage, kill boxes, a video game visuology  for areas earmarked for destruction and embedding, a term revolting to my own circumstance, to paper over and explain away the factual placement of journalists, witness reporters disallowed to report only a particular slant of propagandized pulp fed the masses. The very word ‘terrorist‘ has become synonymous with anyone who breaks away from the status quo, the accepted norm and everything connected to disobedience to the entrenched system.

These word manipulations are essential to the purpose. They are pure NLP and their purpose is to desensitize the reader/listener, condition the mind, redirect the senses to the actuality they are being informed of or shown. We see this in other such unctuous and revolting descriptors: Fair Trade, infant mortality, Christian/Muslim/Jewish children/unfortunates/refugees and other such targeted segregatory terms. Then another huge lie dressed as acceptable – climate change! Orwell would be crawling and spinning in his grave and to remind ourselves of his own advice would seem timely:

“Let the meaning choose the word, and not the other way around”.

So how do these things relate to psychopathy and terrorists you may ask?celente-psycho-quote

In a world run and controlled by psychopathic leaders, henchmen/women and authoritarian followers across every tranche of life, enacting what their leaders promote to then mirror, the sick game –  we are swiftly and surely being ponerized and drawn into what is established as the acceptable norm. Programing and conditioning minds not strongly and practiced in critical thinking is the main objective, so that further conditioning is maintained and directed.

Ordinary folk ask how is it that the degeneration we witness today can be acceptable. So many wonder why the mainstream media do not point out the bloody obvious. What can be done to reverse such blind adherence and accepted normalcy of hundreds, thousands, tens and hundreds of thousands and millions of people being blighted, ostracized, mutilated and murdered in the cause of a better world and ‘freedom and democracy’ ?

The answer is simple – we are being groomed to become our best psychopathic self. For those failing to comply they are hunted down, slaughtered, ostracized or mocked terminally.

The bottom line is – we all carry within us the psychopathy gene, the tendency towards full blown psychopathic behavior. Many display sociopathic tendencies and are often encouraged to extol them – the neo-liberal movement in the US recently shaming itself shamelessly comes to mind. Under the right tutelage, mind control and guidance we are all able to succumb to our very own terrorist, our unique psycho killing machine.

We only need to look at the schooling and social conditioning of the youngest among us to see this planned and ordered campaign in action. Hollywood may portray the arch criminal, the child killer, the cannibal as the only psychopath of import. Pathetically this very portrayal to mold our mental comprehension is all part of the smoke and mirrors. They will never admit their own psychopathy and intent to defraud and deform our intellectual foundations.

Too many of us have been ‘bought’ through technology tools perfectly formed to distract, denude mental acuity and perfected to create dependency through external stimulae and forces under their control.sociopath-rant

How otherwise can we explain why we say nothing as hundreds of thousands are gassed, killed maimed and genetically deformed for generations in Yemen, in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Eritrea, Sudan? Why do we not rise up and demand those poisoning millions, chocking us and treating us like cattle in the USA, Europe, Africa and elsewhere?

You think we in the so called civilized West are not being maimed, crippled, poisoned and exterminated like the poorest in the labeled pariah states chosen as the necessary extermination centers of Western greed and hegemony?

Think again. The pharmaceutical companies, food corporations, so called health agencies and other corporate and military industrial criminals rely on our addiction to their poisons and hardware to milk us every day of our shortening lives.

These actions are not the actions of a humanity entrenched society. They are the criminal actions of a psychopathic driven tribe to greed and self interested accumulation at any cost.

We should be revolting in the streets, in the cities and villages of our world. Yet we accept this as part of a depravity we cannot effect. Such is the spineless reaction of the many we are happy to give away our greatest weapon against this monstrous imposition – ourselves.

Withdrawing our cooperation, support and connection to these people, their system is the only way we re-own and retake our power.

Until we do this meaningfully, massively we can expect the slaughter of the masses to gain even more traction and strength. As we allow it to grow we have only our indolent selves to blame but even that truth will be cast upon the next proscribed third party object of evil, as the lies perpetrate the necessity for the killing spree to continue – for the rape and theft of our natural heritage to be plundered incessantly.

What a sorry dance we perform – like pathetic caged animals in a dystopian zoo we keep ourselves at the mercy of the circus whip and the cruelty of the ongoing orgiastic show!


Some further useful informative reading:

Without Conscience – Robert Hare

Snakes in Suits – Robert Hare

Political Ponerology – Andrew Lobaczewski.


Read more of my research and the story of uncovering the mechanisms of global control in Dreams and Realities

Capt AH Trapman
: aka Toto, has been a journalist for The London Telegraph, author of several well received books include The Dog, Man’s Best Friend, The Greeks Triumphant and Straight Tips for Subs and co-founder/creator for the British Army, the Bicycle Battalions. As a researcher and investigative reporter he was responsible for uncovering hidden pathways to the Global Deep State following the global financial crash of 1929.

Paedophilia – Reward and Punishment in a Degenerate World

As empires go the Roman Empire in its last days allegedly holds the gold medal for degeneracy, predatory sexual, immoral behaviour, in fighting and bestiality of the worst kind. Truth be told it’s a picnic compared to today’s licentious, vile and evil goings on in the top strata of society. However as with all ‘follow my leader‘ examples. that which is encouraged, condoned and practiced at the top of the ‘Shit Pile Power Pyramid‘ (SPPP) trickles down like no new economic plan could ever achieve.

This seepage down is purposed and encouraged. Heated discussion and debate on its morality, ethics etc is also encouraged as it feeds further divisive stance. Yet proscribed limits to such debate is utterly controlled. Rights issues, political correctness, setting LGBT against fundamental thinking and allowable sexual freedoms of belief all go. Token outing of celebrity paedophiles has its purposeful usage, yet digging deeper into the ‘Shit Pile‘ is guarded like the Crown Jewels. Within this inner sanctum lies methodology, means and control. License to allow those at the top, those puppets controlled by the top and other useful authoritarian followers predicate their personal peccadilloes has a vital purpose – control and absolute power.

Blackmail has always been a potent weapon of such control for those under sway of power elites. Sexual orientation, preferences and weakness towards base, lewd and unmentionable behaviour are easy tools used. Have any puppet execute ordered actions and their rewards are their predilection. Need to get rid the system of an outdated or unruly servant to power – expose their weaknesses sacrificing them to public outcry with full blown media bullhorning.

The state of degeneracy has evolved so greatly we see efforts mainstream to qualify paedophilia as an illness, disease. It goes so far as to suggest cures can be found in the supply of child robot dolls to these sick individuals. That anything as sick as this thought form could even raise its head and be discussed with serious intent says everything about our degenerate society and how control is issued and legitimized.

Recent exposures and judgments on the child abuse in Jersey, a Channel Island tax haven dominion where the rich and secret society members have been allowed to practice their filth for well over fifty years is but one small example of how abuse, sexual deviancy and paedolphilia are offered to those rewarded or sickeningly deserving due to power, wealth and deviancy.

Recently a scum bag extraordinaire, Robert H. Richards IV, heir to the Du Pont fortune was let off jail sentencing for raping his a three year old daughter with the excuse that he would not fare well in prison. Such disgusting judgments are so far from legal as to question the sanity or paid decision of said female judge. A greater case of psychopathic manipulation in the DOJ is hard to find.

Yet that brings us to the core of such conditions ruling and manifesting our society today. The ever pervasive presence of psychopathy. Now it is fair to say psychopathy is no new kid on the block – the Roman Empire among all the other despotic power rulers in history share their goodly share of psychopaths. The terminology is modern, the practice as old as civilization itself.

Paedophilia is one cancerous growth on the psychopathic body. Virulent, fed and strongly advocated as ‘part of life choice’ it is killing all remaining vestiges of normal humanity as it attacks the silence of the many refusing to face the death star in their midst.

In Victorian times prudish, false modesty and all traits associated with how to behave and carry oneself in ‘proper’ society became a leaden weight of propriety masking an underbelly of vice, virulent sexual abuse and paedophilia in its worst aspects. Through covering these by promoting a modern British empire as righteous, regal and laudatory example of how to be is a tried and tested technique honed and continues. The murderous, criminal and disgusting practices carried out under such emblematic disguises today operates with even greater power and purpose.

With a mainstream media encouraged to ‘sell’ the salacious as sales fodder, the offering of celebrity lambs to be slaughtered, the real business of control and abuse carries on unhindered. No section of the power pyramid is exempt from the delights offered. From royal palaces to the corridors of power and corporate interests the long, increasing line of child fodder feeds their practices. Wars create refugees, refugees are fodder for bestial practice and by these practitioners considered worthless on the human scale. Foster homes provide ‘legal’ cover for abuse. Exposed examples are rife, yet merely a tip of the iceberg that is cruel psychopathic predatory sexual abuse.

With all the talk of robotic sex toys an answer in servicing such predilection, we witness the fall from any societal sanctity in moral and ethical practice. It offers a huge window for voyeurism fed by sexual fantasy. Pornography, its illicit practices flooding into a society bereft of compass and meaning runs rampant.

Exposing the rich, powerful and those in control has always been an Everest to climb. Fear inculcates silence at the best of times, yet fear of exposure is the tightest jaw closing tool. A few notable brave exceptions have been revealed. None more so than recent child abuse victims outing their predators. Yet unexplained deaths of other potential whistle-blowers read like a litany of failure. Political extermination squads’ job description easily encompass imminent exposure or potential sexual revelation and knowledge.

With the higher echelons of power in law enforcement, political colour of all description, aristocratic royal circles and big business tightly holding the line it seems at present sacrificial media exposures are all we are allowed. Rooting out age old secret service recruitment, agent control through sexual manipulation seems to be a spent force in today’s liberal allowances. Yet paedophilia thankfully is an accursed, abhorrent practice still able to arouse public ire. To allow it to become sanitized, accepted as part of the illnesses and diseases we are encouraged to overcome allows psychopathy another route for legitimization into accepted norms of life.

Empathy must be more than a lauded quality. It must be practiced like the weapon it is against all that is cruel, evil, lewd, bestial and unconscionable. Exposing psychopaths at every level of our midst is essential to halt, stamp out and destroy paedophilia, sexual perversion and control through such practices. Psychopathy is not the single route to paedophilia, yet it is a major promoter, instigator towards awarding it any sort of legitimacy.

To promote or even hint these virulent practices to be part of a multicolored flag of liberty, freedom of expression and self expression is to be ignorant utterly of what it is to be human, practice humanity and hold sacred life. It is the argument of those entrapped, bamboozled and ponerized into such lunatic thinking.

Our collective task is to rewrite our ethical rule book, re-orientate our moral compass and expunge from life all allowances for immorality.We do not need religious dogma, practices or tutorials to set our ways. To often we have seen how these institutionalized holes have been rife with the very problem faced. No, we need self education, collective support surrounded with empathy, tolerance and compassion as useful starter pillars to rebuild our house.

We must create, in the swiftest possible way, peace. War has always encouraged this degeneracy, peace is the only absolute antidote. As warriors of light, lions of right and justice we owe it to the vulnerable, the young, abused to build a better, more just and equitable world.

This is yet one more task and life generating work for all Outsiders.

Read more of my research and the story of uncovering the mechanisms of global control in Dreams and Realities

Capt AH Trapman
: aka Toto, has been a journalist for The London Telegraph, author of several well received books include The Dog, Man’s Best Friend, The Greeks Triumphant and Straight Tips for Subs and co-founder/creator for the British Army, the Bicycle Battalions. As a researcher and investigative reporter he was responsible for uncovering hidden pathways to the Global Deep State following the global financial crash of 1929.