Grand Theft Distraction – No Virtual World, It’s Real!

When the magician wishes you to see his trick a heavy dose of distraction is employed. The better the employment the greater the magician appears to be.
When power structures wish to bamboozle, lie and obfuscate using global deceit they distract populations and groups, specific or global using the same methodology.

Today we’re told we have more at our fingertips to learn, be informed and appraise our growth in an evolving world. All the stuff at our disposition to help us manage, comprehend and make the best possible decisions and choices when it comes to personal and collective position. We’re soothed into believing we have never had so much to help so many become or remain free, self aware and self accumulating. We’re told we are blessed in so many ways. Our lives a silk thread’s breadth away from being fabulous.

At the same time an increase on terror, illustrations of freedom lost, economies in hyper bubble dire straits and the need to staunch and prevent a gaping, growing hole in the ship of state to be fixed. Necessity has never been so called upon to supply draconian responses, they imply, for our own good.

It would not be out of place, in the way these power structures sell themselves to throw up the avenging parental analogy, guardians of the greater good, protectors of a people. The imprecation ‘We’re all in it togetherWe’re exceptional‘ ‘There’s a war on for our hearts and minds‘ ‘Those freedoms so hard struggled for are at dire risk‘ ‘We’re faced with an enemy hell bent on taking XYZ away from us‘. These are a few of the trigger phrases pumped out, regurgitated and repeated ad infinitum.

A necessary enemy has always been the foundation stone for military expansionism, creating both strategies and physical means to face up and challenge aggression real or imagined. Be it in economic terms, survival against natural disasters or plain bad guys hell bent on conquering our precious ‘way of life‘,  freedom and democracy the need for control, weapons and restrictions are imperative. The emotive ‘blood and treasure‘ are exhorted.

The Art of Distraction is an ancient art. History illustrates its longevity. With so much technological skill and informational resources at our disposal it is easy believing the Modern Day Magician is hard pressed to fool us. That assumption is the first and very basic mistake we would make.

We’re replete with ways never dreamed of in years gone by. CGI is a very obvious illustration of what can be achieved. The days of painting out treasonous figures from an old photo is crude compared with conjuring complete battles, wars and criminal activity only existing in digital landscapes presented us as truth. The editing suite doubles as a spear of propaganda and twisted perception. It may look real to addled minds, yet to critical thought, informed appraisal and eagle eye it still is just another set of magic tricks.

Such complex scenarios although undoubtedly used are not essential all the time for most of us. Used for game changing moments such as were witnessed in 1969, 2001 and so many false flag events littering the path of present day shenanigans, most of the time all that is needed is a continual diet of half truths, lies and repetitive propaganda spewed forth from television and wider media. Mobile technologies, the next numerical G roll out, electromagnetic technologies offering solution rich living aids inveigled into our lives through Internet, AI and wi-fi compound the daily diet of mental dumb downing.

Constantly subjected to beliefs that economic scarcity, lack of basic provision and inherent fear of loss we are forced to swallow the creed controlled by the powers that be that the sure way forward is under their best guidance.

Manipulated global lack, be it food, energy resources, psychological impediments in the guise of foreign belief structures invading minds and lives through false news, errant beliefs, virus creations and refugees are laid out. The injury to individual and collective health, the threat these  pose demands handing control over to our masters.

The greatest distraction, the never ending lie has always been – It is our good and best interests that are served when such powers enforce their ways. Bombarded for so long and intensely, both liminally and subliminally, it becomes harder and harder to separate the real from the virtual, truth from fiction.

Most, not holding the skills or desire to pick out this grand entanglement, retreat into a well padded comfort zone where cognitive dissonance rules. Denial and deafness become brother and sister. Hate, distaste, irrationality and prejudice become the mother and father of all reaction. The Magicians look on, drooling at the success having nullified critical thought, appraisal and transparency to see through of the veils drawn down.

Today we stand in a world where truth is a heinous crime, transparency a criminal weakness, kindness folly, empathy wishy washy, touchy feely and the mark of sissies and the powerless. The pretense practicing and demonstrating such qualities becomes acceptable only when not impinging the goal of obedience to party line and political correctness. Irrelevancies are fed us to lush out on. Such feed compounds the distraction without redirecting the main mission. Television supplies a feast to argue over, rile against and media in general, through celebrity, envy and lack pits each one against the other, easily maintaining vacuous entertainment. Bread and circus comes full spectrum 21st century with apps, hand-helds, microwaves controlling and hate fests in every shape and size, be it LGBT, black, white, Commies, foreigners, refugees, trolls – the list is endless. Intolerance  a powerful, useful means in keeping people divided, holding emotional reaction in a permanent red zone, its creative use more often than not hits overdrive, whilst simultaneously expressed as evil. Dual purpose has never been so dark.

Under these conditions persuading people imminent danger, be it terrorism, war, invasion, freedom or the destruction of bought into life styles are about to go belly up is easy. Draconian responses become far more palatable, more easily accomplished and so often demanded by the abused themselves. Yet all the time few realize how manipulated and deceitful these things are in their full deception.

The Brexit game played out on the population is one such trick. Of and by itself fashioned to offer an acceptable way to withdraw from an uncontrolled, undemocratic system of group control, it sowed huge division. Stepping back, understanding where this leads an unfortunate and unwitting state, be it leave or remain, denies seeing the trick of the light played that was merely a distraction into chaos both within Europe and the UK. That fermenting chaos as we presently witness and experience is merely laying down fertile soil for the next stage to be sown seamlessly into our psyche.

Manipulated illegal take overs of states by a variety of players HQ’d inside the Beltway and lobbied wildly by the MIC war machine, NATO, allies various and the backing bankers and money men further ratchet up tensions creating Russian, Chinese and Iranian ‘enemies’. Proxy puppets in the shape of ISIS, Boko Haram and all the other shitty little psycho players are all called up to play their part. Sanitized apartheid practices, genocide, torture and despotic control over innocent people by illegitimate ‘so-called Semites’, Cuckoos in the Palestinian nest,  has become a well oiled art. Alongside rabid stigmatization of anyone questioning their practices, revealing their true nature and game, elicits desperate, draconian, underhand methods imperiling so far more than the few playing heinous, disastrous games. Empires have always been constructed thus. It is just the violence employed today is hidden behind screens of deceptive distraction. Its degradation, psychotic employment is sanitized in verbal NLP vocabulary making it sound a mere everyday irritation or error.

Today these toys of distraction confront a growing critical mass of awareness calling out this Grand Theft Distraction, revealing it for its true being. The audacity in throwing into plain sight what in truth is dark and evil comedy reveals an arrogant hubris that by and of itself turns into its own suicide belt.

Calling them out, exposing the Hollow Wizards behind putrid curtains of deceit may well encourage such Powers to play a full and final hand. Convincing us all it is for our own good demands calling their bluff, exposing the lie and in truly heroic terms, allowing good guys to win this centuries old battle. Battle it is, as the War is as old as humanity itself and an ongoing struggle as it has ever faced. How the War is waged will only be gradually revealed as we manage evolution and ourselves.

It always comes at huge human cost. This is the paradox of life. Death is integral and absolute in such an equation. We may crave a fairy tale yet our stumbling, ever searching progress defines that the very experience must tear itself from the childish fairy tale and grow into a far more mature and adult, essential to achieving our destiny.

Reality is the stuff of our own creation. Virtual equivalences hold no soul, nothing more than experimentation within a powerful operational tool. Outcomes can be magicked, hi-tech AI solutions created yet the exploration and development of our human being will reveal we ourselves hold everything needed to realize the solution – that is our journey. Distraction in any form, self created or imposed from outside disrupts, delays and impedes on the path to true freedom.

Knowing oneself offers not only the best suit of armor but also turns into the most nourishing diet we could ever have desired.


Read more of my research and the story of uncovering the mechanisms of global control in Dreams and Realities

Capt AH Trapman
: aka Toto, has been a journalist for The London Telegraph, author of several well received books include The Dog, Man’s Best Friend, The Greeks Triumphant and Straight Tips for Subs and co-founder/creator for the British Army, the Bicycle Battalions. As a researcher and investigative reporter he was responsible for uncovering hidden pathways to the Global Deep State following the global financial crash of 1929.


Magic: Money: Tree: Three Wanton Wishes

“The Magic Money Tree will provide” declared the King.
“It does not exist!” refuted the Queen.
“I use it to purchase all my needs”, affirmed the Unicorn.

“We want a decent, egalitarian society where all the peoples’ needs are met”, implored the People.

“Off with their heads”, cried both King and Queen as they accepted another 8% rise in garnered taxation from austerity ridden subjects.

The Navy, fearing budgets would become restricted, launched a vast vessel costing the earth yet named supplicantly after their Queen in deference to appeasement and gratuitous hope renewed flooding of funding would be forthcoming.

Sniveling, greedy, lying, deceitful ministers of the Crown threw billions torn from a hitherto hidden Magic Money Tree, whose existence had been vigorously denied, into the coffers of lunatic, equally psychopathic terror lovers across waters dividing them from the mainland in vain hope the latter would connive support for weak and enfeebled rule.

Magic was all the rage in the Kingdom of Albion eons ago creating a strong domain of right and justice. Now a mere shadow of its prior glory, its purpose was used to propagandize over painted green pastures, brown field sites and CGI initiated fantasies.

Money, invented for the subjugation of peoples denied it yet forced to use it for trade barter and taxation, became further mystified and marginalized for unique benefit of foreign criminals intent on creating fabricated fortunes and marginal numbers of slaves for selfish and megalomaniacal ends. Its slush funding kept the obsequious tax haven crazies in check.

The few remaining Trees endeavored to supply oxygen to struggling green pastures and slowly they themselves fell parched and starved of nourishment into the sod. Cattle and sheep so dearly needing rich grasslands became toxic on chemical feeds. Forests festered, wilted and wept at how sidelined they had become as mere myth.

It was the Unicorn who, realizing its abused use as propaganda at the hands of the powerful, upped stumps and cantered off into a mist, prepared earlier by a Palace special effects department, at minimal cost.

Even today stories of its appearance and disappearance keeps the chattering classes divided. The peasants, in place of non existent food on their tables, invented tales of its second coming laced with hope, faith and a basket full of charitable donations allegedly able to drag them out of the penury they now drowned in.

The Minister for Future Wealth woke from a dream and rushed to the seat of Governance where a motley crew of other Ministers with and without portfolio, sense or reason muttered to each other under very rancid collective breath.

Said dream inspired Minister called them all together including an errant Prime Minister, ugly witch of a woman whose legitimacy had so long past its sell by date as to have become fully decrepit, enfeebled and barely able to crack open a toothless smile, rarely employed anyway.

“I had a dream!” roared the Minister.

The assembled Party vagabonds hissed sycophantic interest, took in as much breath of unity as they could muster and as one exclaimed.

“OMG, tell us!

Ears deeply bent towards what was to come.

“We must create War – a War for Wealth is what we must make.”

“Brilliant”, cried a newly elected ex serviceman from the South West. seeing only his own self emolument sure to increase from such tactics.

“Why War?” queried an innocent.

War makes us money, covers prior insolvencies and affords further containment of dissent. It allows no freedom of speech, no voice of reason and enormous rewards from the Bankers who control it all.

“Will the people not smell a rat?” questioned a very junior minister.

“We shall make sure all our rats have jumped ship way before that time arises“, assured the Dream Catcher.

“Not before they have all been rounded up and caught!” boomed a voice silently having entered the Chamber while all were thoroughly distracted.

The crowd of disgusting dignitaries swiveled round as one to cast eyes on the voice and its deliverer.

Before them stood an elder, strong, upright and carrying such authority and gravitas as to scare many of the timid crowd before him. His cheeky smile and twinkling eye gave none cause or reason to relax. Some quislings among them saw a Lion in front of them for all the presence he projected. Others noticed the slim penny whistle held firmly in his left hand. The rest stood silent, confounded, confused and confabulating all sorts of indigestible fantasies his appearance heralded.

He spoke again, this time with greater authority and deeper purpose.

The Many have spoken as you, your rich barons you cower to and the Bankers controlling you conspire in this heinous act. None of you deserve the treatment ordained to be meted out on you, neither have you earned the grace I have subsequently recommended.

Silence fell heavily, trapping them all.

It is with the authority of this Many that I am ordered to dispatch all of you, your Bankers, Priests and Profiteers from this House, from the Halls of Avarice, Greed and Self Worship to a small but perfectly formed and fit for purpose island off these coasts of ours. Thereupon you shall work out your days in penury you felt so eased to wage on the good people of this land.”

Not a titter tutted nor a pin dropped as the bard continued.

“To the Isle of Man shall you be banished. Your tax havens already have collapsed their resistance in lieu of the 5% we offered on all funds accrued. The Bankers’ bonuses have funded and will continue to fund the fences round this purdah we collectively maintain and contain you to on Man”.

The Minister who had dreamed shouted from behind the false protection offered by the crowd in front of him.

“War will save us and still defeat your insolence, your free meals and education. It is already in motion. Your threats are as hollow as all your promises”.

His pleasure was palpable.

“You think War your solution?” exclaimed the Peoples’ Lion King. “Your War died the day your fabricated Enemy exposed their own arsenals of Defence. Each weapon dipped in Peace makes them invulnerable. The billions of voices in a world beset by bestiality and barbarity are alone enough to melt your wicked steel.”

“Pitiful Peace Propagator,” the Minister sneered. “Our bombs already speed across the steppes of your allies, along Silk Roads of Eastern Commerce to destroy all that is ultimately good and prosperous. Your Peace, Unity and Accord will melt in our man made atomic suns.”

A visible shiver rippled across the assembled yes folk of Putrid Power.

The bard physically grew before the lot of them. They felt his Wizardry whip across and  through the Palace placing furious fear on each and every shoulder of their damned bodies.

“No atomized annihilation can beat the Electromagnetic Pulse of Peace. Hear this you wretched Warmongering liars; those bombs and weapons have already dropped dead and impotent into deserts, oceans and barren lands awaiting to bury their useless, neutralized packages.”

He rose to his own rhetoric.

“Magic is now the Magic of the Many. Money is the equitable exchange for All and the Tree of Life breathes deeper than it has ever breathed living and imparting a long and educative life among us all”.

Sounds of scared scurrying money men, crooks and criminal aristocrats instantly drowned under the final landing of metallic nets catching one and all for transport to their final destination on the Isle of Man.

The Magus lifted his left hand, holding the penny flute and bringing it to his lips began to play.

The crowd outside hearing the familiar strain with one voice began the now emblematic National Anthem of Hope and Glory:

‘Ohhhh! Jeremy Corbyn, Ohhhh! Jeremy Corbyn’

The Unicorn returned, placed the King and Queen under House Arrest, assigned them both to muck out the stables it would soon be occupying and collected dues from global visitors pouring through the Palaces and Castles amazed as to how people could not have realized sooner how much they could all have earned from such an archaic institution.

The sun set on the first day in the future of this Magical Dominion of Albion.

The President Bear from over the waters and steppes of their former enemy smiled as he relished the fun, joy and peaceful co-existence now certain between him and his new BFF.

A self imploded continent across another ocean continued to make digitized fantasies and repetitious Terror Vision of who they thought themselves to be. Now however international law contained and maintained such fantasies for only their own insular and self serving consumption. The virus of  unipolar exceptionalism had been once and for all staunched, contained and buried. Export from these shores was indefinitely banned until education, intelligence and critical thinking had been truly and permanently restored.


Read more of my research and the story of uncovering the mechanisms of global control in Dreams and Realities

Capt AH Trapman
: aka Toto, has been a journalist for The London Telegraph, author of several well received books include The Dog, Man’s Best Friend, The Greeks Triumphant and Straight Tips for Subs and co-founder/creator for the British Army, the Bicycle Battalions. As a researcher and investigative reporter he was responsible for uncovering hidden pathways to the Global Deep State following the global financial crash of 1929.



Tory Elite Take Down Grenfell House with Collateral Damage: Really feel the pain of those suffering, they tell us!

Easy read article for all 140 character attention span readers:
When your motive is profit and you give not one single F*ck for ordinary people the arson of a building such as Grenfell House in North Kensington, London is merely taken as an unforeseen consequence on the road to selfish acquisitional advancement.

South London fire in 2013 kills 6 – investigation as to cause and outcome presents need for public places – eg schools, blocks of flats etc – suggests botched renovation as major cause. Sprinklers recommended and bill for human habitation voted against by many Tories who were landlords and had vested interests in not passing such bills.

Tory Housing Minister ‘sits on’ bill that recommends everything that would have saved lives in most recent block fire in Kensington.

Young local, Joshua, at the scene of the furnace rightly gets his judgement aired on an otherwise very biased BBC propaganda bullhorn – worth listening to every word he says. We are entering even darker times when the rule of law is ridden over roughshod by those feeling they are above the law and hold it in such contempt.

Time for revenge, vengeance and retribution for all senseless deaths created by an arrogant elite anywhere in the world.

Time for calling time on all those who care not one jot for lives lost yet plead they are empathic to suffering they cause by greed and deed.

To paraphrase Henry II famously about Thomas à Becket- “Who will rid me of these arrogant Tory beasts?”

Time for Justice, Corbyn and a People’s Parliament!

Read more of my research and the story of uncovering the mechanisms of global control in Dreams and Realities

Capt AH Trapman
: aka Toto, has been a journalist for The London Telegraph, author of several well received books include The Dog, Man’s Best Friend, The Greeks Triumphant and Straight Tips for Subs and co-founder/creator for the British Army, the Bicycle Battalions. As a researcher and investigative reporter he was responsible for uncovering hidden pathways to the Global Deep State following the global financial crash of 1929.

A Stink Far Greater than Sewage

Depth of thought behind this article and much to mull over from LivingZen Books Blog

Living Zen Books - The Home of Inspired Publishing

Terror is the weapon of all tyrants, all empires and all wishing to keep hold on their iron fist rule. If sanity, critical thinking and seeing through the veil of deception becomes too prevalent then it has always been common practice to tighten the screws.

Today’s screws are the very implement that has been created in order to personify and exemplify the real and present danger – Terrorism. Within its acts and very nature are all the ingredients that serve such draconian purposes of those in power and those wishing to maintain their hegemony.

In the UK it has been obvious the people, in spite of their myopic incredulous election choices of the past, are fundamentally more intelligent and clear thinking than most, especially their cousins in the USA. Thus the perpetration of so called “terror threats” has been carefully and emotionally charged to work on a…

View original post 1,587 more words

In Bed With Terror – A Very British Way To Rule!

Terror is the one emotion able to freeze anyone’s tracks. Play this ace card and the game is won, albeit temporarily. Terrify your people and for an immediate period everything is sharply held in the cross hairs of Terror – long enough to convince them their safety needs controls, dirty dealings and the very worst of actions overcoming what is portrayed as clear and present danger and necessity.orangeorder

When this principle is enacted by a ruling government, with or without majority, consent or discussion then we walk directly into and through the door of unacceptability, indecency and trashing the principles of law and human rights.

The General Election of May 2017 has produced a result enabling potential consequences expanding an already eager ruling party intent on befriending funding and promoting the very worst terrorist ideologues and terror states in the world today. All done with such unconscionable ease of self serving goals and little desire for global stability and peace. With no mandate from the people the present Tory party snuggles up to one of the most right wing, homophobic and terror driven parties standing alone as some sort of partner for illegitimate collusion.

From December 1969 to July 1997 both the IRA and their Unionist opposites set into an the-good-friday-agreement-fcb-agreement-c86830af6b0a22248c758e32b8a1f95a-large-130081internecine war against each other and ultimately against the State. The Good Friday agreement sealing a fragile peace, with no little effort from all sides categorically stated neither party was to have any mainland government preferences shown them. Their autonomy and non influence on laws affecting mainland political argument was sacrosanct. That Sinn Féin has historically never represented itself in Parliament at Westminster is and always has been their choice. In 2015 the EVEL law made it impossible for parties such as the DUP to vote on English laws. Brexit does not fall under that law yet everything else does.

The Conservatives, well at least Theresa May in her thoroughly weakened state, havedupad tried to ‘fix’ a deal with the DUP in order to give an impression of majority. Like so much of their previous manipulating, it merely presented a mirage of deception and lies. It will never hold any meaningful water.

What is more terrifying is the history and make up of the DUP apart from its frighteningly archaic beliefs and principles, was as much a terror organisation as the Provisional Irish Republican Army. That this irony has not even crossed the conversation of the mainstream is typical, yet it highlights how easy it has always been for the right wing, both Conservative and blue Labour to have leapt into bed with the worst terror cells/governments on the planet for purpose and self gain. Present relationships with the


Daesh Darlings

likes of Saudi Arabia, the Gulf States, Israel and the largest terrorist protagonist on the planet, Washington DC, a state so unipolar and out of control within the United States as to threaten the safety of the whole world, illustrates the colour and determination to fool and subvert in order to keep not only the fear factor alive and well with control over the people in order but also their handle on a very British despotism.

British governments are no strangers to these tactics. The British Raj and the Irish Famine are two burning pyres of examples. Their use over the whole span of Empire


Indians blown from cannons

maintained useful dominance, criminal cruelty and total dominance. Their use of terror tactics so often covered over and concealed by proxy forces and deliberately created ‘terror cells’ merely illustrated the utter contempt it held and still holds for its population and all outside the coterie of collective self enrichment.

With a hung Parliament we are faced with accepting the unacceptable, promoting the blindingly obvious illegal ways now being engineered to look like majority rule. Using all the energy and potent justice empowered by a historically successful progress  Labour, their leader Jeremy Corbyn and those many whose eyes are now wide open to travesties transgressed and pushed down the throats and ears of a population not accepting the status quo, solutions need formulating.

I have already laid out the silent hidden partners, nay controllers, of these antics in another article needing to be exposed however this moment the injustices, illegal operational ploys the Conservatives are trying to serve up MUST be staunched, stopped and robbed of any legitimacy they foist upon us.

Our voice collective and loud is needed at this time like no other – fresh from robbed votes and appalling misjudgments – its imperative is absolute  to be heard and seen as never BallymurphyMassacre_smbefore. The positive progress engendered by Corbyn and the Left, in spite of attritional media attempts to compound the lies, especially  portraying him as a terrorist sympathiser are now ugly in their transparent deceit. The present so called government are and always have been the real terror colleagues and outrageous deceivers.

The shockingly terrifying truth is that a party of such specious content, approach and attitude is about to lie down with their pet ‘friends and allies’ whose terror credentials have always been most vociferous, vengeful and venal.

Would it not seem opportune to call time on these terror elements, factions and perpetrators  posing as this illegitimate  government persuading us accept them as the voice of the people?

Brexit will be hard for these liars, ironically fulfilling their stated goal yet once again for all the reasons they so desperately did not cater for – we the people will make it hard for them to get their way and eventually our will and wish will get its way and direct sanity, tolerance and compassion back centre stage as their legitimacy crumbles into the dust created on the demise of every tyrannical obsession!


Read more of my research and the story of uncovering the mechanisms of global control in Dreams and Realities

Capt AH Trapman
: aka Toto, has been a journalist for The London Telegraph, author of several well received books include The Dog, Man’s Best Friend, The Greeks Triumphant and Straight Tips for Subs and co-founder/creator for the British Army, the Bicycle Battalions. As a researcher and investigative reporter he was responsible for uncovering hidden pathways to the Global Deep State following the global financial crash of 1929.


We Really Need to Talk – about Israel’s Influence in British Politics

The Hidden Manipulators

This year is the centenary of a truly dark day in British treasonous acts. The promise to Zionists giving them illegal occupation of Palestine as their own through the Balfour Declaration.

Even before this the influence of Zionist agendas within and around the British political system was alive, well and creating all sorts of nefarious interference. Today in 2017, as we await the results of a General Election shadowed by offers from certain Zionists dangling rewards for the take down of ministers and million pound bounty for besmirching and ruining the chances of Jeremy Corbyn, this work is alive, well and in full sway.

If anyone was to be in any doubt as to the intention to control the reins of power in politics, corporate and financial business by these elements then a sharp learning curve is in order.

israel - no criticism allowed1It was these very elements headed and directed by Rothschild and the other members of the Family of Eight bringing down not only the financial systems in 1929 but also in birthing the Bank of International Settlements, that gained a further stranglehold on all financial global control.

Today we see only a few nations free of such control, Russia, Iran and North Korea among them. The last seven years in the United Kingdom have seen two Prime Ministers, Cameron and May, both puppets of these masters, engineer the whole political landscape towards destruction, decimation and dereliction in favour of the few. Such chaos benefits the rule of totalitarian law. We have witnessed the heartless march riding roughshod over the 95% who have been ignored, paid lip service to and abused in every conceivable way. This law of criminal totalitarianism, dressed up and trumpeted as democratic, is witnessed playing itself out with unremitting continuity and impunity against the Semitic and Palestinian peoples by their illegal and criminal Cuckoo usurpers.

Their games blaming any negative comment against them or questioning any part of their plans as anti Semitic is a ploy of propagandised nonsense practiced since the formation of Zionism way back in the late 1800s. In fact the early leaders of the State of Israel openly confessed its use as a tool for shutting down any dissent. Today its obvious abuse and malfeasance is wearing very thin.

Of course there is anti-Semitism practiced. Its loathsome and ignorant use against true Semites is abhorrent, yet the greatest perpetrators of this vile slander are the Zionist criminals themselves – who professing themselves to be Semitic and have not one drop of Semitic DNA in them. They even have the temerity and chutzpah to twist a genetic fact into law to cover themselves and that they get away with it compounds this deception and highlights the depth of collusion in the corridors of world power. How outrageous and arrogant is that?

However these and more lies are continually committed to the minds of ignorant and enfeebled folk who have never given a critical thought as to why these games are played upon them. Mere acceptance and belief of what is fed into their minds through a controlled propagandised media is enough for many to accept the lie as true.

The unspoken and targeted truth such people are manipulating, controlling and furthering their evil agenda is one needing serious investigation and conversation. In the USA dual nationals and Neocon groups direct the many lobby groups inserted, such as AIPAC, to always control not only the agenda but the President of choice. When one such as the latest clown in this practice, Donald Trump, slips through the veneer of voting, serious pressure and mafioso-type persuasion is brought to bear. The target of pressure is made to realise who truly pulls his strings, while desperately being allowed to play the yo-yo of decision making he has become famous for.

In the UK we have had an easy ride deepening the relationship of the State of Israel’s british-israeli-lobbyinfluence within the whole establishment. Friend and favour of these nefarious negotiators, calling the tune for their Masters’ Voice has been a slam dunk. So the implication, possibility a man of truth and integrity, clear of these toxic influences gaining power through a mass revolt by the people sets up a whole new and greater ‘fly in the ointment’ thought to have been easily staunched or prevented. Hubris comes to all, even the most arrogant and self assured.

It may very be that this shock cannot be controlled and thus a whole new paradigm of confrontation will come to pass. We are well aware of how that confrontation ended with John F. Kennedy, whose challenge to these entities was violently silenced. If Corbyn gets to hold the reins, not even the cowardly dissenters, so favoured by the foreign influences will be safe from scrutiny. Security around the new Prime Minister will have to be onside and very secure.

We can be sure means of destabilising the system will be looked at and enacted. If that means the triggering of the long overdue economic crash to coincide with the new incumbent in Downing Street, then watch and see. That there will be more terror and destabilising actions trotted out to make it look like the new government has no handle on security, is an obvious choice. Any movement towards peaceful solutions will enact the ire of the warmongers and those benefiting from the profit therein. This anger will be increased as approaches to such as Russia and China for talking rather than warring will signal potential nails in the coffers of their liquidity. Their puppet proxies will be ordered to deliver even more of the same in greater multitude.

The bully, the psychopathic paranoid has usually only minimum arrays of options available and they all consist of lies, violence in all its ugly forms and sowing fear so great as to persuade many that the ultimate threat is upon them.

So how do we address, with a totally compliant mainstream media on their side, mostly owned by their billionaire Zionist compatriots and psychopathic elite, all these ongoing pressures? First of all by speaking truth out loud. Confronting, even under pressure no matter how insidious, their ways, plans and evil distortion.

Since it has been a heavily one-sided ongoing game plan for so many decades, the resistance to any effort to expose will be draconian, swift and cruel.

zionist-media-conglomerates-los-angeles-jewish-times-smThe media of course has to be hit. We all have to voice not only our awareness of their pathetic games but also call them out by withdrawing any and every support. The money, tainted as it has always been must be called out. It reeks havoc in the City institutions and tax havens of the few. Its demise must no longer be sold as loss of jobs and economic health. These were always the Big Lie! It is a cancer alive in our midst.

The BBC that makes anyone being interviewed or taking part in their airings sign off that Israel and Zionism cannot be challenged or spoken of in any negative light gives you a good clue as to how impartial they really are and indication as to whose boss they cow tow to under the guise of being so holy, impartial and the beacon of good journalism. Getting any article like this into any national newsprint is and has always been out of the question. All truly independent journalists know that only too well. They fight their corner through the Internet and alternative media – thus the push from the mainstream to label all this as Fake News. It’s easy acting as bullhorns for the elite propaganda to get away with this and for other TV outlets themselves be blamed for being ‘State sponsored bullhorns’ themselves. Do you see the irony of that and what they do?

Mind you the most common and typical way to sheer away the truth from sticking on you is to blame the opponent, the others, especially the truth tellers. So merely reversing what they are saying of others you get the precise picture of what is being perpetrated by them. Washington loves that modus operandi as much as any. Yet they hate the truth when it comes from the mouths of Vladimir Putin and his like. They despise true honesty, decent diplomacy and integrity.

So what about the Jews in all these goings on? Where are they in all this?

As with all faiths, now facing the ire of the Deceivers they become hostage to association, subjugation and lies of the perpetrating extremists. Their lot is no better than Muslim, Christian or any other path of integrity in faith. Their innocence, those who do not connive with their Cuckoo masters, is spun into the greater lie, the more pronounced deception.

The huge pile of bigotry sown around these people and among them is merely part of Divide and Conquer techniques constantly used by these criminals. Taking down the very inhabitants of the nest you have usurped is inconsequential to the goal. War of words, wars of real violence merely feed the coffers, the bigots and the in fighting we see around us all the time.

The downside of the Internet means hate can be globalised swiftly, propagated through divisive force and innuendo. The upside of the Internet is that information countering these plans and efforts can as swiftly be mobilised. Bullying, hate filled rhetoric and verbal abuse is a weapon easily flung into the mix. Often it shatters the weaker among us to cower and disappear. Sticks and stones seem to melt under such attacks, unusually. Yet for the strong these demonstrate weak weapons of attrition.

Thus it is up to all of us who recognise the torrid and terrible games being played on the global stage, to rise up, become informed and start connecting the dots connecting this desecration of humanity, empathy and goodness, natural qualities of being human.

A new dawn may be upon us, even if it is but the beginning, the more we become aware, awakened and alert the faster we can mobilise defences and armies of warriors against these inhuman evils set against us.

Be aware that a further period of their supremacy will see enacted a spiteful, vindictive attack on not only our basic freedoms but also on the very life blood of decency we are endeavouring to keep alive.

Whatever the outcome in the UK, the true war has no way concluded. It is merely revving up its engines to show us all its fullest attrition-filled birth pangs and vengeful ongoing qualities. We must prepare ourselves to fight, as we have always fought, to challenge and face full on the tsunami of wrong in the face of right.

Warriors we must be, truth tellers imperatively willing to risk all for our children, their children, the country and the sanity and survival of our world.

Rise like Lions after slumber
In unvanquishable number,
Shake your chains to earth like dew
Which in sleep had fallen on you-
Ye are many – they are few.”
Percy Bysshe Shelley

Useful references:

Al Jazeera TV – The Lobby

Channel 4 – Inside Britain’s Israel Lobby


Read more of my research and the story of uncovering the mechanisms of global control in Dreams and Realities

Capt AH Trapman
: aka Toto, has been a journalist for The London Telegraph, author of several well received books include The Dog, Man’s Best Friend, The Greeks Triumphant and Straight Tips for Subs and co-founder/creator for the British Army, the Bicycle Battalions. As a researcher and investigative reporter he was responsible for uncovering hidden pathways to the Global Deep State following the global financial crash of 1929.

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