Desperate Times need Cool Heads and Eloquency – Not Psychopaths

We are entering the end game of desperate times. Those that have their goals as world domination and eradication believe they have the Russian Bear cornered through their lies, deceit and coercive propaganda fed through the orifices of the Mainstream Media they control and have at their disposal 24/7/365.

Having been on the case and trail of all these toxic shenanigans for more years than I care to remember, I find myself at moments despairing the compliant silence of the many, wondering if resolution through peaceful means can really come to pass.

The lack of veracity, the constant bashing, denouncing alternative voices and truthful questioning the official narrative looks to have been über successful. The silence of the lambs about to be slaughtered is deafening in its totality.

The aim of all the antagonists are as varied as each of their predicaments.

The UK having completely run its main distraction course of Brexit into the buffers, in truth always a non starter. The reek of chaos, confusion and divisive views spread far. An Opposition leader always calling the truth of every belligerent push over decades beaten for that truth. Haunted by his popularity and connection to the common people, everyone outside of the 1%, the Prime Minister, her inner and outer circle and many in Parliament all shades of blue bay for cause, assuaging their petrification of being found out. Anti-Semitism, the tool of every full bloodied Anglo Zionist, is called to the fore. Old tricks die hard. The mention of economic health (an oxymoron) to be in terminal spin arouses every diversionary tactic. Austerity yet one more distractive excuse starving the Many and enriching the Few is defended with zeal.

Yet when all these conspire to produce blunt progress, evolution of awakening minds and further incredulous impatience the option to formulate a bogeyman as big as their real problems is inevitable. When all efforts to contrive covering truth with lies, deception as belief have run out history always proves the final option must be inevitable – war.

This is where the ultimate buck stops, at the door of the Money Managers, the Banking global cartels of greed mongers whose mantra has always been: “Keep all the power you want as long as we remain in control of the money”

The loss of Empire is always a hard final nail. The US is feeling the death throes of such loss and like every cornered beast lashes out its old mantra of ‘peace and democracy’ destruction style.

So we stand at the nexus of two worlds – one towards peace, the other towards war. In the past the war scenario played out as one team’s champion set was against the other’s. Today we have weapons of death by total destruction or MAD as it’s quaintly acronymed. The nuclear option has never had two sides set against each other in earnest, for real. The outcome has always been viewed as annihilation of the species. Forget the bolt holes of the rich, their arrogant thinking of indestructibility on steroids is mere chimera.

What makes today’s equation truly horrific is everywhere is riddled with psychopaths heading up the power pyramid. Set against them a man cursed as tyrant and evil yet in reality the single torch and hope of ultimate peace. Such potent leadership cannot be tolerated to upset long laid down plans. Like vermin it must be extinguished. Yet they forget truth can never be expunged so easily.

Those of us who recognise the real game going down know sanity must at some juncture overrule insanity. How that transpires is the pressing question. Communicating the narrative contravening the lies hits many who treasure their cognitive dissonance as breast milk. Calcified neural pathways harden. Anger as much as it may be righteous cannot afford to block the clarity needed conveying the other narrative. Ears need fine tuning to listen to reactive ignorance and respond to these walls. Many millions have been dumbed down, anaesthetized and stupefied and need to be reminded the end point is far from pretty, where all this mendacity leads.

Do they recognise the present goading by politicians is an easy slide into annihilation of each and every member of their kith and kin? If that does not make them stop and think, perhaps their illusion that a first strike wins. Such impotent power as the West currently has at its disposal and its first strike desires only hastens a decisive reality where such actions throw back faster than the time it takes to boil a cup of tea, total destruction. Would that be worth chancing alongside sacrifice of friends and family? Would hanging close to outright lies, slander and blatant bullshit be worth the gamble of a nuclear winter where sole survivors die slowly and painfully if they are lucky?

I fear too many will prefer to await their ultimate demise locked in ignorance, fear and utter delusion.

So tragic is it to see the potential gained through technological genius and innovation subverted, subjected and synthesised into vaccines of death, the intravenous drip fed us as liberation, freedom and ultimate choice. Before the last vestige of community, collective endeavour and cooperation are ripped from our grasp the urgency to make people question more becomes paramount. Each encounter we make, sharing realities they’ve been told are fantasy, encourages sanity to grow back into all fallow mind fields masquerading as barren wastelands.

Either way the outcomes will always be that life goes on but maybe not as we know it, Jim!

Dust to dust becomes a haunting refrain.

Never Throw Down Your Glove at a Grand Master unless as an Equal

The British Empire, adorned in all its glitz and glory days lives on in the minds of Little Englanders, the blue rinse brigade and True Blue Tories with red eye left over from a nightmare and massive flight of fancy. Such flights never come with the cosseted care of a bevvy of beauties in uniform. They do however come with mindsets filled with arrogance and spittle of egotesticled (intended) men and women, pretending to be men, who believe right, God, sans tutu, and their own divine right to laud and lie to all and sundry will bring them their inheritance so far denied outside of their birthright to aristocratic, landed or inherited elitism.

The British Empire was brought into being, like all empires, through rape, invasion, pillage, theft and humongous feeling of ‘better-than-thouness’. The East India Company started the roll towards global domination, followed by establishment elite ethics creating slavery, debauchery and domination of a perfidious and putrid nature. The bankers backing all this lust for power controlled the chess boards. They saw themselves on a win-win ticket, which they were. Many countries were crossed, double crossed and deceived in the march to world domination. Even a split-off force was manipulated and encouraged to follow the Mayflower and create a branch office. In 1776 that became realisable.

The bankers were on a roll, their political puppets, like the good lap dogs they were and still are, yapped along with the message. Marshall Mcluen’s truism, ‘The Medium is the Message’, brought into being a whole new way of control and global dominance. Two World Wars having been incited through devious development enabled the nascent Worlds Order to go for completion.

The problems arose when having organised Bolsheviks into power to control the huge and vastly uncontrollable Russian landmass and then drawing their puppet masters into fighting off and destroying their own Nazi creation, itself seeded into a post World War One neutered Germany, the great Empire found itself accepting, with huge loss of blood and treasure from the Russians, victory by the Soviets for the Western powers.

The immediate reaction was to try and break, bow and bend a plan that was about to fully blow up in Western egg- filled faces. The plan was to convince The People it was working just right. Yet people must, ultimately never be assumed to be stupid.

A carefully, naturally occurring set of conditions brought about change where now fully developed chess masters took the game on, faced the perfidious enemy and their masters and called their bluff.

Russia under a new and very savvy master chess player entered an era that would eventually transform itself into a global paradigm willing and able to share human and spiritual development equally, legally and respectfully even with its soon-to-be-dust antagonists.

That now shrivelled, depleted, deluded and deficient United Kingdom (what irony) took hold of its starved, rabies-riven bulldog and barked at the new Russia. It accused it of being criminal, intent off world domination and every other lie that can easily be attributed to the very bulldog itself. Russia’s answer lay in an old Eurasian proverb – “Dogs bark, yet the caravan moves on”.

Entering into a chess game already lost before it began, the British Establishment, complete with its fawning, compliant and crap filled media foot soldiers threw move after move at the grand master. Each move embarrassing, exposing and further demonstrating the vacuous, empty cesspit of character now leading a once considered country of ethics, respect and reciprocity.

As the mostly silent and compliant population was fed, they believed through sloth and stupidity, the propaganda and mass mind control emanating from the losers. Russia meanwhile stood fast, asked then demanded some essence of intelligence communicate and parlay with them. None was forthcoming.

And so it was that Russia, now with a truly astute, politically savvy leader of integrity and international law waited out with admirable patience the obvious outcome its opponents were hell bent on running towards and self destruction through hubris, heavy handed impotence and self-created downfall mechanisms so crude as to awaken even the more somnolent population.

This is no recent happening. The seeds of destruction were laid in the machinations of the East India Company’s own dreams of mastery over others, magnified and encouraged by the idiocy and bloated beliefs demonstrated through the United States experiment and so many failures to correct a fatal course along the way through several centuries.

What can never be defeated is the desire for evolution, even in the face of assumed total destruction. Russia, China and those who collectively recognise unity in diversity, tolerance, respect and recognition of the human family in its entirety of difference to be the project, not some pathetic World Order run by and solely for the psychopaths that believe they own it, struggle with their inheritances to create just that.

The game may look to continue but all those who have followed it, know the rules and have connected the dots so far will attest to it having been lost already with a new dawn on the horizon able to light up more than a fleeting night’s darkness. The wisdom and knowledge of all Grand Chess Masters is to reach the goal armed solely with higher intellect, intelligence, insight and respect for whoever sits opposite!