Weaponized Political Correctness – Civilization Doomed

Mahatma Gandhi was once asked about Western civilization:
Journalist: What do you think of Western civilization?
Gandhi: I think it would be a good idea.

On the rocky road to civilization one of the founding tenets is respect, another would be tolerance. Yet a third would have to be loving kindness. A fourth most important of all would be Common Sense. I am sure, dear reader you can conjure up many more.

One vast barb masquerading as aspects of these is Political Correctness. Its insidious mind numbing insistence to be observed is no more than control of speech, thinking and expression. Fascism pure and simple. Though so called liberals among us would fiercely challenge this statement, its veracity is proven daily to be so. When it comes to loving kindness and tolerance there is no more virulent demonstration of their antithesis than those screaming foul at expressive, precise and eloquent speech not adhering to their own interpretation of how we should all speak.

Whatever happened to “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me”?

What happened is a society hell bent on being persuaded persecution is rife. Intolerance is flooding every orifice and social scene we know. In answer to that I freely admit there are inhuman levels of intolerance, there is a global platform, the Internet, with an ability to spout off all sorts of invective, hurt and foul language and our base actions have now infiltrated our language as viciously as the bullet invades the body. Yet interaction, communication and discussion have been like that since we learned to grunt approval or disapproval.

There is a huge hole, a terrific failing to point to the causes of expansion in such practices of foul mouthing and viciousness. The trouble is, it resides in the very organs that preach, scream foul and themselves propagate such practices as appropriate. The Mainstream media, celebrity, political power brokers, entertainment organs… the list is endless.

These figures of so called mentorship and example place themselves on platforms of sobriety and best practice while f*ing and blinding misogynistic, racist rants, engaging in sexual atrocities and covering up their actions of genocide, sexism and excremental life practices. We hear only the rare bleat of objection, comparatively, while the wholesale slave trade and abuse of our non Caucasian members of the global family are used abused and otherwise pilloried metaphorically and physically for hundreds of years. Meanwhile the Caucasian sheep are pilloried, ridiculed and set upon like no other from these very pillars of establishment. The chasm  between word and action is illustratively huge.

Civilizing, like respect, has to be earned through action not edict. The rape of another land, others’ sovereignty contains no civilizing factors, quite the opposite. The squeals of the little authoritarian piglet followers of such practitioners is barbarian at best, inhuman and ignorant at worst.

Yet daily we are exhorted to call a spade an instrument of discovery, a fellow human being a neutral gendered participant in cohabitation. The list is endless and so abusive of common sense language and interpretation as to destroy any meaningful descriptor of what it is to be human. It is fundamentally a sharp weapon of dehumanizing the act of being human. Like bleach it destroys common sense, accentuates methods of control and is the least civilizing method towards sanity and discernment.

In truth we have such a hugely long way to go if we choose the path of controlled division. Until we can look our fellow human brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, grandparents in the eye and see the very same pulsing humanity no matter what individual or collective traits they present we shall be forever in the grossest stage of barbarism traveling in concentric circles until we, like the Ouroboros disappear up our own a*hole.

A fitting end to a species hell bent on self extinction!

Read more of my research and the story of uncovering the mechanisms of global control in Dreams and Realities

Capt AH Trapman
: aka Toto, has been a journalist for The London Telegraph, author of several well received books include The Dog, Man’s Best Friend, The Greeks Triumphant and Straight Tips for Subs and co-founder/creator for the British Army, the Bicycle Battalions. As a researcher and investigative reporter he was responsible for uncovering hidden pathways to the Global Deep State following the global financial crash of 1929.

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