In Bed With Terror – A Very British Way To Rule!

Terror is the one emotion able to freeze anyone’s tracks. Play this ace card and the game is won, albeit temporarily. Terrify your people and for an immediate period everything is sharply held in the cross hairs of Terror – long enough to convince them their safety needs controls, dirty dealings and the very worst of actions overcoming what is portrayed as clear and present danger and necessity.orangeorder

When this principle is enacted by a ruling government, with or without majority, consent or discussion then we walk directly into and through the door of unacceptability, indecency and trashing the principles of law and human rights.

The General Election of May 2017 has produced a result enabling potential consequences expanding an already eager ruling party intent on befriending funding and promoting the very worst terrorist ideologues and terror states in the world today. All done with such unconscionable ease of self serving goals and little desire for global stability and peace. With no mandate from the people the present Tory party snuggles up to one of the most right wing, homophobic and terror driven parties standing alone as some sort of partner for illegitimate collusion.

From December 1969 to July 1997 both the IRA and their Unionist opposites set into an the-good-friday-agreement-fcb-agreement-c86830af6b0a22248c758e32b8a1f95a-large-130081internecine war against each other and ultimately against the State. The Good Friday agreement sealing a fragile peace, with no little effort from all sides categorically stated neither party was to have any mainland government preferences shown them. Their autonomy and non influence on laws affecting mainland political argument was sacrosanct. That Sinn Féin has historically never represented itself in Parliament at Westminster is and always has been their choice. In 2015 the EVEL law made it impossible for parties such as the DUP to vote on English laws. Brexit does not fall under that law yet everything else does.

The Conservatives, well at least Theresa May in her thoroughly weakened state, havedupad tried to ‘fix’ a deal with the DUP in order to give an impression of majority. Like so much of their previous manipulating, it merely presented a mirage of deception and lies. It will never hold any meaningful water.

What is more terrifying is the history and make up of the DUP apart from its frighteningly archaic beliefs and principles, was as much a terror organisation as the Provisional Irish Republican Army. That this irony has not even crossed the conversation of the mainstream is typical, yet it highlights how easy it has always been for the right wing, both Conservative and blue Labour to have leapt into bed with the worst terror cells/governments on the planet for purpose and self gain. Present relationships with the


Daesh Darlings

likes of Saudi Arabia, the Gulf States, Israel and the largest terrorist protagonist on the planet, Washington DC, a state so unipolar and out of control within the United States as to threaten the safety of the whole world, illustrates the colour and determination to fool and subvert in order to keep not only the fear factor alive and well with control over the people in order but also their handle on a very British despotism.

British governments are no strangers to these tactics. The British Raj and the Irish Famine are two burning pyres of examples. Their use over the whole span of Empire


Indians blown from cannons

maintained useful dominance, criminal cruelty and total dominance. Their use of terror tactics so often covered over and concealed by proxy forces and deliberately created ‘terror cells’ merely illustrated the utter contempt it held and still holds for its population and all outside the coterie of collective self enrichment.

With a hung Parliament we are faced with accepting the unacceptable, promoting the blindingly obvious illegal ways now being engineered to look like majority rule. Using all the energy and potent justice empowered by a historically successful progress  Labour, their leader Jeremy Corbyn and those many whose eyes are now wide open to travesties transgressed and pushed down the throats and ears of a population not accepting the status quo, solutions need formulating.

I have already laid out the silent hidden partners, nay controllers, of these antics in another article needing to be exposed however this moment the injustices, illegal operational ploys the Conservatives are trying to serve up MUST be staunched, stopped and robbed of any legitimacy they foist upon us.

Our voice collective and loud is needed at this time like no other – fresh from robbed votes and appalling misjudgments – its imperative is absolute  to be heard and seen as never BallymurphyMassacre_smbefore. The positive progress engendered by Corbyn and the Left, in spite of attritional media attempts to compound the lies, especially  portraying him as a terrorist sympathiser are now ugly in their transparent deceit. The present so called government are and always have been the real terror colleagues and outrageous deceivers.

The shockingly terrifying truth is that a party of such specious content, approach and attitude is about to lie down with their pet ‘friends and allies’ whose terror credentials have always been most vociferous, vengeful and venal.

Would it not seem opportune to call time on these terror elements, factions and perpetrators  posing as this illegitimate  government persuading us accept them as the voice of the people?

Brexit will be hard for these liars, ironically fulfilling their stated goal yet once again for all the reasons they so desperately did not cater for – we the people will make it hard for them to get their way and eventually our will and wish will get its way and direct sanity, tolerance and compassion back centre stage as their legitimacy crumbles into the dust created on the demise of every tyrannical obsession!


Read more of my research and the story of uncovering the mechanisms of global control in Dreams and Realities

Capt AH Trapman
: aka Toto, has been a journalist for The London Telegraph, author of several well received books include The Dog, Man’s Best Friend, The Greeks Triumphant and Straight Tips for Subs and co-founder/creator for the British Army, the Bicycle Battalions. As a researcher and investigative reporter he was responsible for uncovering hidden pathways to the Global Deep State following the global financial crash of 1929.