We Really Need to Talk – about Israel’s Influence in British Politics

The Hidden Manipulators

This year is the centenary of a truly dark day in British treasonous acts. The promise to Zionists giving them illegal occupation of Palestine as their own through the Balfour Declaration.

Even before this the influence of Zionist agendas within and around the British political system was alive, well and creating all sorts of nefarious interference. Today in 2017, as we await the results of a General Election shadowed by offers from certain Zionists dangling rewards for the take down of ministers and million pound bounty for besmirching and ruining the chances of Jeremy Corbyn, this work is alive, well and in full sway.

If anyone was to be in any doubt as to the intention to control the reins of power in politics, corporate and financial business by these elements then a sharp learning curve is in order.

israel - no criticism allowed1It was these very elements headed and directed by Rothschild and the other members of the Family of Eight bringing down not only the financial systems in 1929 but also in birthing the Bank of International Settlements, that gained a further stranglehold on all financial global control.

Today we see only a few nations free of such control, Russia, Iran and North Korea among them. The last seven years in the United Kingdom have seen two Prime Ministers, Cameron and May, both puppets of these masters, engineer the whole political landscape towards destruction, decimation and dereliction in favour of the few. Such chaos benefits the rule of totalitarian law. We have witnessed the heartless march riding roughshod over the 95% who have been ignored, paid lip service to and abused in every conceivable way. This law of criminal totalitarianism, dressed up and trumpeted as democratic, is witnessed playing itself out with unremitting continuity and impunity against the Semitic and Palestinian peoples by their illegal and criminal Cuckoo usurpers.

Their games blaming any negative comment against them or questioning any part of their plans as anti Semitic is a ploy of propagandised nonsense practiced since the formation of Zionism way back in the late 1800s. In fact the early leaders of the State of Israel openly confessed its use as a tool for shutting down any dissent. Today its obvious abuse and malfeasance is wearing very thin.

Of course there is anti-Semitism practiced. Its loathsome and ignorant use against true Semites is abhorrent, yet the greatest perpetrators of this vile slander are the Zionist criminals themselves – who professing themselves to be Semitic and have not one drop of Semitic DNA in them. They even have the temerity and chutzpah to twist a genetic fact into law to cover themselves and that they get away with it compounds this deception and highlights the depth of collusion in the corridors of world power. How outrageous and arrogant is that?

However these and more lies are continually committed to the minds of ignorant and enfeebled folk who have never given a critical thought as to why these games are played upon them. Mere acceptance and belief of what is fed into their minds through a controlled propagandised media is enough for many to accept the lie as true.

The unspoken and targeted truth such people are manipulating, controlling and furthering their evil agenda is one needing serious investigation and conversation. In the USA dual nationals and Neocon groups direct the many lobby groups inserted, such as AIPAC, to always control not only the agenda but the President of choice. When one such as the latest clown in this practice, Donald Trump, slips through the veneer of voting, serious pressure and mafioso-type persuasion is brought to bear. The target of pressure is made to realise who truly pulls his strings, while desperately being allowed to play the yo-yo of decision making he has become famous for.

In the UK we have had an easy ride deepening the relationship of the State of Israel’s british-israeli-lobbyinfluence within the whole establishment. Friend and favour of these nefarious negotiators, calling the tune for their Masters’ Voice has been a slam dunk. So the implication, possibility a man of truth and integrity, clear of these toxic influences gaining power through a mass revolt by the people sets up a whole new and greater ‘fly in the ointment’ thought to have been easily staunched or prevented. Hubris comes to all, even the most arrogant and self assured.

It may very be that this shock cannot be controlled and thus a whole new paradigm of confrontation will come to pass. We are well aware of how that confrontation ended with John F. Kennedy, whose challenge to these entities was violently silenced. If Corbyn gets to hold the reins, not even the cowardly dissenters, so favoured by the foreign influences will be safe from scrutiny. Security around the new Prime Minister will have to be onside and very secure.

We can be sure means of destabilising the system will be looked at and enacted. If that means the triggering of the long overdue economic crash to coincide with the new incumbent in Downing Street, then watch and see. That there will be more terror and destabilising actions trotted out to make it look like the new government has no handle on security, is an obvious choice. Any movement towards peaceful solutions will enact the ire of the warmongers and those benefiting from the profit therein. This anger will be increased as approaches to such as Russia and China for talking rather than warring will signal potential nails in the coffers of their liquidity. Their puppet proxies will be ordered to deliver even more of the same in greater multitude.

The bully, the psychopathic paranoid has usually only minimum arrays of options available and they all consist of lies, violence in all its ugly forms and sowing fear so great as to persuade many that the ultimate threat is upon them.

So how do we address, with a totally compliant mainstream media on their side, mostly owned by their billionaire Zionist compatriots and psychopathic elite, all these ongoing pressures? First of all by speaking truth out loud. Confronting, even under pressure no matter how insidious, their ways, plans and evil distortion.

Since it has been a heavily one-sided ongoing game plan for so many decades, the resistance to any effort to expose will be draconian, swift and cruel.

zionist-media-conglomerates-los-angeles-jewish-times-smThe media of course has to be hit. We all have to voice not only our awareness of their pathetic games but also call them out by withdrawing any and every support. The money, tainted as it has always been must be called out. It reeks havoc in the City institutions and tax havens of the few. Its demise must no longer be sold as loss of jobs and economic health. These were always the Big Lie! It is a cancer alive in our midst.

The BBC that makes anyone being interviewed or taking part in their airings sign off that Israel and Zionism cannot be challenged or spoken of in any negative light gives you a good clue as to how impartial they really are and indication as to whose boss they cow tow to under the guise of being so holy, impartial and the beacon of good journalism. Getting any article like this into any national newsprint is and has always been out of the question. All truly independent journalists know that only too well. They fight their corner through the Internet and alternative media – thus the push from the mainstream to label all this as Fake News. It’s easy acting as bullhorns for the elite propaganda to get away with this and for other TV outlets themselves be blamed for being ‘State sponsored bullhorns’ themselves. Do you see the irony of that and what they do?

Mind you the most common and typical way to sheer away the truth from sticking on you is to blame the opponent, the others, especially the truth tellers. So merely reversing what they are saying of others you get the precise picture of what is being perpetrated by them. Washington loves that modus operandi as much as any. Yet they hate the truth when it comes from the mouths of Vladimir Putin and his like. They despise true honesty, decent diplomacy and integrity.

So what about the Jews in all these goings on? Where are they in all this?

As with all faiths, now facing the ire of the Deceivers they become hostage to association, subjugation and lies of the perpetrating extremists. Their lot is no better than Muslim, Christian or any other path of integrity in faith. Their innocence, those who do not connive with their Cuckoo masters, is spun into the greater lie, the more pronounced deception.

The huge pile of bigotry sown around these people and among them is merely part of Divide and Conquer techniques constantly used by these criminals. Taking down the very inhabitants of the nest you have usurped is inconsequential to the goal. War of words, wars of real violence merely feed the coffers, the bigots and the in fighting we see around us all the time.

The downside of the Internet means hate can be globalised swiftly, propagated through divisive force and innuendo. The upside of the Internet is that information countering these plans and efforts can as swiftly be mobilised. Bullying, hate filled rhetoric and verbal abuse is a weapon easily flung into the mix. Often it shatters the weaker among us to cower and disappear. Sticks and stones seem to melt under such attacks, unusually. Yet for the strong these demonstrate weak weapons of attrition.

Thus it is up to all of us who recognise the torrid and terrible games being played on the global stage, to rise up, become informed and start connecting the dots connecting this desecration of humanity, empathy and goodness, natural qualities of being human.

A new dawn may be upon us, even if it is but the beginning, the more we become aware, awakened and alert the faster we can mobilise defences and armies of warriors against these inhuman evils set against us.

Be aware that a further period of their supremacy will see enacted a spiteful, vindictive attack on not only our basic freedoms but also on the very life blood of decency we are endeavouring to keep alive.

Whatever the outcome in the UK, the true war has no way concluded. It is merely revving up its engines to show us all its fullest attrition-filled birth pangs and vengeful ongoing qualities. We must prepare ourselves to fight, as we have always fought, to challenge and face full on the tsunami of wrong in the face of right.

Warriors we must be, truth tellers imperatively willing to risk all for our children, their children, the country and the sanity and survival of our world.

Rise like Lions after slumber
In unvanquishable number,
Shake your chains to earth like dew
Which in sleep had fallen on you-
Ye are many – they are few.”
Percy Bysshe Shelley

Useful references:

Al Jazeera TV – The Lobby

Channel 4 – Inside Britain’s Israel Lobby


Read more of my research and the story of uncovering the mechanisms of global control in Dreams and Realities

Capt AH Trapman
: aka Toto, has been a journalist for The London Telegraph, author of several well received books include The Dog, Man’s Best Friend, The Greeks Triumphant and Straight Tips for Subs and co-founder/creator for the British Army, the Bicycle Battalions. As a researcher and investigative reporter he was responsible for uncovering hidden pathways to the Global Deep State following the global financial crash of 1929.

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